The Long Passage (Pt.2)

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One of Nathaniel's scouts approached, having returned from further ahead. "Sir, I think I have found the wood cutters' camp ahead," he declared. This was good news indeed. Nathaniel stopped the caravan and decided it would be better if a small party of them approached to ask for aid. He decided to leave Martyn in charge and took Ogwyn, Col and Eira with him, thinking that the presence of a woman would make them seem like less of a threat. A large group of strangers would not be a welcome sight and could harm their chances of getting the supplies they dearly needed. Nathaniel led his small group forward through the woods to where the scout had directed him. Up ahead he could see a clearing where a small community was set up. They had built themselves log cabins and he could see why Col had called them semi-nomadic. Nathaniel slowly approached a group of men sitting around a spit-roasted hog. "Greetings," he called over to them, catching their attention. They all turned and eyed these new strangers suspiciously. "What do you want?" Asked one of them warily as he stood. "My name is Nathaniel. I lead a large group of survivors from Ollorath and Othwyn. We have travelled far across up-country. We seek supplies and offer fair exchange if you can help us." He asked in a courteous manner. The man looked at him for some time examining his every detail. "I am Jackin, a leader in some fashion, of my people," he began, "How many in your group?" he asked, still a little suspicious.
"We are near one thousand in number," explained Nathaniel.

The assembled wood cutters began to laugh. "We are a simple folk, we cannot provide for one thousand," remarked Jackin. Nathaniel's head dropped. He did not know how he would provide for all his people. "You strike me as a warrior and there are goblins abroad in the land. If you can offer men to protect us and some to help with work for the remainder of the season, we can see you have the supplies you need." Jackin proposed to them. It was an interesting offer and looking at Ogwyn and Col they seemed willing to accept. "We are a humble folk, living off what nature provides, but there is usually plenty for those that know where to look," he added.
"It is a gracious offer Jackin. I must speak with my people before I give you an answer," Nathaniel responded. Jackin bowed his head graciously and retook his seat.

Nathaniel led the group back to where the party had stopped, to discuss the proposition with his trusted advisors. "This is an offer I do not think we should turn down," exclaimed Col, but Nathaniel was hesitant to delay there too long.
"Torstein instructed me to lead us to Orseth, I think there is safety to be found there, but we should look to arrive before winter sets in," argued Nathaniel in return.
"I cannot speak for all," began Ogwyn, "but there is shelter in the forest and perhaps somewhere safe to wait out the winter. These are peaceful folk and would not survive a goblin assault, unless maybe with our help." These were all salient points and they each turned to Nathaniel to make the deciding choice. "This is not a decision I will make alone. We must put the choice to our people and let them vote," he decided. Ogwyn smiled, clearly content that Nathaniel had made an admirable choice.

Everyone gathered round as Nathaniel began his speech, explaining the merits of each option to them, without his own bias, so they could fairly cast their vote. After outlining the choices he gave them all a moment to digest the information before asking them to make a decision by raising their hand to the desired option. The voice of the people was virtually unanimous. There was something about the forest which offered a sense of security and prosperity. They were all content to remain with the woodland community until the spring. Despite being apprehensive, he would not deny the people their choice and so he led them all over to the wood cutter's clearing. "Jackin, we have decided to accept your offer and remain with you until the spring." declared Nathaniel. The little community welcomed them all and everyone set about to building the camp. "Nathaniel, as leader of your people, I would offer you to build a cabin here with us. We would be glad to teach you the skills of our craft," offered Jackin kindly and Nathaniel graciously accepted the offer.

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