Part 1 - the life changing text

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y/n-your name
y/f/n-your full name
y/l/n- your last name
e/c -eye color
y/ship/n - your ship name
y/Instagram/n-your Instagram username

Basically during texting parts whenever there's a line in between the text it's a different person

*3rd person pov*
y/n was a girl who lived in California. It was a normal Friday night for her, December 1st. She was an actor and was a super social 19-year-old. It was nice to have some time for herself though. This Friday night she silenced her phone to read and watch rom-coms. She didn't have a boyfriend because no guy could be up to her standards of a fictional character boyfriend. When she turned on her phone, she noticed 1 text specifically. It was from a number she didn't recognize.

 It was from a number she didn't recognize

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nah you probably aren't faking

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nah you probably aren't faking

okay then what's your name


that's a cute name

you're a cute name

you are really good at this flirting thing did you know that

yes i know i'm so amazing

what's your instagram i wanna follow you

no you

you're stubborn girl, dang

yes i know

this is actually kinda fun just to text someone i don't know and share all my information with them

yep, you're a real smart dude

for sure

okay, what's your instagram

fine its joshuatbassett

you're kidding right


i'm talking to THE joshua bassett rn like no joke

yep and you have been for the past 22 minutes

i'm going to faint

please don't say you're a 12-year-old fangirl

no i'm a 19-year-old fangirl

oh ok, phew

seriously tho gimme proof or something

literally how could i give you proof

idk like send a picture of u but like take one rn so i know it's not off google

idk like send a picture of u but like take one rn so i know it's not off google

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JOSHUA BASSETT sent a picture to ME.
youu are so cuteeee
but no not good enough, post something on your story rn

what should i post

oh u should post i love y/f/n

no i am not doing that



oh my gosh you actually did it
it was kinda a joke

seriously my 12 year old fans gonna attack me
do you want me to be attacked

no not really
you are actually joshua bassett
unless you like hacked his account and his phone number
i thought i was talking to someone random named josh

do you FINALLY believe me?

i guess i could believe you

please do this is very exhausting

literally, all you had to do is take a picture and post on your instagram

lol you are funny

you're cute

stop you're making me blush

i have a real question for you mr. bassett


ok, is franklin a real bear that you love, or is he fake for the fans
be careful how you answer this bc this could be a dealbreaker between us

franklin is my dearest love and i will love him forever


 awww this is adorable (i'm talking abt franklin not you)

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awww this is adorable (i'm talking abt franklin not you)

see you think i could fake that? (rude)

i GUESS not

anyway i think that u should comment on my instagram 'i love u too' and then i'll follow you

fine, i mean it's a true statement

yayy you did it


ACCEPT my follow request

i JUST did

wow your really pretty



thank you tho ;)

you know what?


i'm glad that mollie gave me the wrong number

same :-)

Wrong Number - J.B. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now