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The week went by fast for Brian. He was getting through his classes, and making friends. He made friends with Polly, Damien, Scott, and bettered his friendship with Calculester. He also realized that he had pretty much every damn class with Liam, and they were just sitting apart. His theory was that he was meant to be paired with Liam, since Liam was a straight A student. However, they got bad blood, and there's nothing the school will do about the schedules. He still hasn't talked to Liam about the project, even though he did stare at the contact on his phone sometimes. Today, he decided he'd go to the auditorium.

It was insane. He delivered all of his lines perfectly. He even forgot some of them, but he just improv-ed and it turned out better. The fates literally (metaphorically) had sucked his dick. It was crazy.

Enter Liam, clad in his blue coat and frilly sleeve cuffs.
"Hey, Brian! That was amazing!"

"what's it to you?" he retorted

"look," Liam sighed "I think we got off on the wrong foot. I don't want to be your enemy. Enemies are mainstream as hell. Also, we have a bio project, so we kinda have to be friends or we'll fail. Second chance?"

"Second chance." agreed Brian, not wanting to risk becoming unpopular. "You did pretty well, yourself."

"Thanks. This costume is blocking my creative flow, but i can manage. I just wish they'd let me use the stuff I actually wore in Renaissance England. But alas, he won't let me."

"Why don't we just get him fired?" Brian suggested

"Honestly, I wouldn't be opposed to that. The only question is how?"

"Ooh, ooh, I know! let's point out the fact that he makes lots of students uncomfortable!"

"that's perfect!" Liam exclaimed.

They shake on it, and, oddly enough don't let go for an awkward amount of time. As they go towards the office, they decide to link arms as they put their hands in their pockets

"Yo, Polly" Damien whispered "20 bucks says they like each other"

"You're on" she said

as the two boys entered the office, they were greeted with a "what do you want?!" by the receptionist.

"We're here to register a complaint about the drama teacher." Liam said

"sure," said the receptionist. "what's about?"

"Well, he keeps looking at all the students funny, and it makes us uncomfortable."

"okay. That makes 25 complaints, He's getting fired."

"alright!" They exclaimed. As they were walking out of the office, they turned and high-fived. After that, they paused, as they realized that they were standing really close together. Brian looked at Liam's purple lips, and Liam looked at Brian's messy hair. "man," they thought in unison "he's kinda cute"

They both snapped back, and continued walking back to the auditorium. "cute? he's not cute!" they both mentally yelled. "I'm only friends with this asshole because of Biology! I mean, he wears a parka/man bun for crying out loud! who the fuck does that? Although, he does pull it off pretty well." They both looked down at their linked arms, then forwards as they realized what that could be construed as. They both felt a blush dust their checks, though neither pulled out. As they reached the auditorium, they tragically had to unlink their arms, and put a stop to the synchronization.

"Well, let's hope that asshole gets packing soon!" said Brian

"I really hope so. Although, I may need to make some altercations to my clothes to fit me now. 350 years is no joke!" replied Liam

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