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Liam suddenly vanished, and Brian was feeling more awake than ever. He felt as if he never needed to sleep again, and could conquer the world! "But first," he reasoned "I need to get some breakfast."

As he descended the stairs, (he chose not to use the elevator) he started to smell something delicious. He found Liam in the kitchen, with a corny apron that said 'kiss the cook' "Shut up" Liam said, flustered "I got splashed by grease and this was the only thing I had, from my mom when I moved out"

"Yeah, right. You just keep telling yourself that. Need help with the pancakes?" Brian offered

"Yes please my limbs are gonna fall off"

"Ok, i got the pancakes and eggs, you got the hash browns and bacon?"

"Deal." said Liam.
The two boys absolutely made the fuck out of that breakfast. They had pancakes, bacon, eggs, and hash browns. After, they did the dishes fast as hell, then dug in. As they plonked into chairs, they decided to sit right next to each other, even though the table was comically long. Liam was pouring syrup on, looking slightly giddy. "I hardly even have to try for these food pics! they make themselves!" said Liam.

"Oi, I know you don't have to eat, but your shits getting cold dude!" Said Brian

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Lemme just add my filt-" The boy was cut off by a fork full of pancake right into his kisser. Brian then moved his hand to Liam's chin, as he traced the boy's jawline before moving his face to make eye contact.

"You got the picture, right? we can decide on filters later." Brian kept the boy's mouth shut, as he slid the fork back out.

Liam's thoughts were going insane. 'we' would pick the filter? also WHAT? What was this feeling that he was feeling? the warmness in his chest? He felt as if he could die, he'd die happy. Just looking into Brian's eyes sent moths into his stomach. The cute way his mouth smiled without skin on the right side of his mouth, the way his fluffy hair just kind of existed, the way his eyes sparkled, wait he's looking directly at me. wAIT HES LOOKING DIRECTLY ME HOLY SHIT AAAH WHAT DO I DO OH SHIT OH FUCK UUUUUUUHH

"Did I short circuit you Liam?" Liam snapped back to it with a small jolt


"Nevemind. Just eat ya food 'fore it gets cold. 'Kay?"

"Sure thing." The boys made nice conversation after that, talking about anything. And, sometimes, nothing at all. After they were done, they set their dishes in the sink and washed them.

"Hey, I just realized I never said thanks for you helping me out with cooking."


"so thanks, Brian. You were a huge help, and I don't know if i coulda done it without you."

"Awww, no problem Liam. Honestly, being in the kitchen working with you was reward enough. The meal was the icing on the cake. Plus, I'm literally the fucking goat when it comes to making pancakes. I don't get to do it often because most of the time it goes bad in the fridge and i feel bad for throwing it away." Brian chuckled. Liam came in for a hug. He never realized that Brian smelled so good. Smelled of a nice, smoke campfire.

"So, whatcha wanna do?" inquired Liam.

"Mariokart?" Brian suggested

"I ain't trying to ruin our relationship dude"

"Oi, this ain't uno we talking about."

"True I guess, Mariokart it is."

The happy couple continued bonding together over tons of stuff. Brian even figured out that using the word "ironically" was almost a cheat code for Liam, using it to get him to do even the most mainstream of mainstream shit.

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