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The couple made their way through their classes, holding hands almost the whole time. Brian paid almost zero attention to his classes, opting instead to gaze at his new boyfriend. Everything about him was beautiful. The little glasses, his eyes, and the fact that he was wrapped in his parka just made him simply melt inside. He felt so lucky to have Liam, and just simply could not pry his eyes off of the boy. Suddenly, he noticed that Liam was a deep and beautiful shade of purple, likely because of all the staring he was doing. However, this wasn't an embarrassed blush. Liam was in a trance as well. The teacher said something about them that neither boy  remembered, but it was enough to snap them out of it and get back to class. The day went by in a romantic blur, and soon enough it was time to go home. Damien had given them some more grief, but they didn't pay him any mind. Liam was the one to break the silence of admiration.

"Wanna go back to my place?" the boy offered "We can chill out some more over there."

"I'd love to" Brian replied.

As Liam drove to his castle, Brian started to doze off, his dreams filled with his beloved.

Liam arrived at his home and took some time to once again admire Brian. He looked cute in his black tank top, and his hair looked as fluffy as ever. Liam reached over to touch it, and was surprised to find out that it was silky soft. After a couple more minutes of Brian enjoying, he finally decided to actually get out of the car and into his house. Liam grunted as he picked Brian up bridal style, and trudged into his house. At last Liam arrived at his bed where he gently laid Brian down, and laid next to him. Liam scooted closer to Brian, and started to cuddle. Soon, Brian began to shift around. He slowly woke up to Liam peacefully using his chest as a pillow. Liam looked up at him with a blissful look on his face, then turned a beautiful violet as he stumbled on his words.

"Hey Brian?"


"I... I want to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I think... I think I love you... unironically" He admitted. Immediately, he buried his face in Brian's chest because the embarrassment was too much to bear. Brian chuckled lovingly at this, and embraced him in a hug. Neither boy let go of the loving embrace, and it turned from a comforting hug to a cuddle between lovers. They took each other in, playing with the other's hair and taking in their sweet scent. Brian kissed Liam on the head, which prompted a lovestruck giggle from the boy.


467 words!
I feel a little rusty when it comes to writing, but hopefully it was all right! Writing the tooth-rotting fluff was really fun to be honest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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