Idk what to call it lol

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Walking home from school after a long and hard day, you open the door to see that your dog is jumping up and down and panting.
"Hey Buddy, what's up!"
Buddy was his name, he is such a sweet dog and he loves his chew toy. It looks like a bone.

I walked into the kitchen finding there is a lot of washing up to do so I started with that, then I did my homework and made dinner.

"Honey, we are home"
"Just in time, dinners on the table."
"Awesome" she says as she hooks her bag on the back of the chair.
"Where is dad" I asked
"Shower love. When he comes down me and him have to tell you something"
"Should I be worried?" You ask in concern and look to the ground
"No of course not sweetie, trust us it's a good thing"
"Ok." You lift your head up

"Hey guys sorry I took so long" Says dad running in slowly
"It's ok dad, I understand" You smiled
He smiled back softly
"Honey we have something to tell you."
"What is it?"
"Well- uhh we have a job in England and you have to stay at next doors"
"Which next door, next door as in Missys?"
"I was gunna send you to Miss Cratchet but I remembered you don't like her daughter so I remembered you and Missy and I thought-"
"THANK YOU MUM YOU ARE THE BEST!!! When am I leaving"
"Eeeee" you squealed "I am going to pack right now "

I love Missy. She has been my best friend since we moved here in Texas which, is my whole life but I haven't seen her in ages since she has been staying with her dad since hey split up. George cheated on Mary with a Brenda last year. I still can't believe they broke up. I was very upset for Missy :(

"Im going to bed night"
"Goodnight honey xxx"

*The next day*

I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs. It took me 10 minutes to get ready. I was so exited to see her after a year. I gulped up my orange juice and ate up my cereal and hugged my parents goodbye and ran out.

I knocked on the door to see someone very similar but different

Cliff hanger guys!! I am so happy I have an idea for another Wattpad story. Next Part in a couple of hours or tomorrow

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