The person who opens the door

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Someone who looks familiar but different opened the door
"Oh hello yn" Sheldon says in his deep voice
"H-hey Sheldon, Is Missy in?"
"Yes let me go get her."
He shouts "Missy, yn is here"
"O-M-G" we both shout and scream and hug each other

Sheldons face was priceless, he just looked so shocked I was here and also partly me and her screaming. He smiled at me then walked away. I had to smile back.
We backed away
"Come on let's go inside"

*you and Missy walk in*
"Hey Mom"
"Hey Missy, Hey yn"
"Hey Ms Cooper"
"Im just setting up your bed for the month"
"Wait- the month?"
"Yes why didn't your mum tell you?"
"She said a week-"

*The room goes silent*
*You storm out the door into the driveway*

" Is she ok?" Sheldon asks softly
"Does it look like she's ok?"

*Missy runs outside*
"yn yn oh thank goodness you're here"
*you sniffle*
"I'm sorry about my mother she's a bozo"
*you laugh a-bit*
"I leave you here for a bit to calm down"

*you cry a-bit more until Sheldon comes out*

"Are you alright?" He asks me in concern
"Leave me alone Sheldon"

*He sits down on the driveway next to me by the kerb and bends his head down to meet my level tucked in my knees*

"Didn't you know you were staying for a month" he says in a calm voice
"No, they said a week and they said that they were going to England for their job"
*Sheldon turns his head away from me*
"Do you think they disowned me?"
"No of course not yn, they love you more than the world."
"So why would they lie to me?"
"I don't know lov- I mean yn. Everything will be fine ok."
*He put his hand over my shoulder and then we went back inside*

"Hey yn, y our ok now?"
"Yea everything is fine"

*You go into Missys room which is also Sheldons*

"What is that bozo say to you?" She asked you
"He just said everything is alright but I don't know if it is"
"What's up?"
"Do you think my parents disowned me"
"Of course not they love you so much, more than the world"
"Haha that's what Sheldon said!"

She gave me a joking dirty look and I laughed

*Time skip to bedtime*

"Shall we play never have I ever" Missy suggests
"I don't like the sound of that game" Sheldon says
"Come on bozo it will be fun" you say

*Sheldon smirked at me*

"Ye Sheldon, stop being a sucker. Plus we gotta do something fun for yn first day sleeping here." Missy says

"Fine if it is for yn"

*you smirk at him*

"I'll go first" Says Missy "Never have I ever drunk alcohol"
You say "I have"
Sheldon hasn't
"Of course goody two shoes Sheldon hasn't"

*Sheldon looked very mad at Missy*

After a few hours of playing, you go to sleep

THAT WAS THE LAST PART FOR TODAY!! It is literally 23:29 and I am still on my way back from Wales. Anyways see ya tomorrow with  another part (this one was longer today)

Sheldon Cooper x ynWhere stories live. Discover now