The fight with Heather M + a plot twist

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*The day of the fight*

*Time skip to school*

*first period*

"Ready for our fight after school yn"

"Yes, as ready as ill ever be."

*You walk to your desk and sit next to Missy*

*You sit at the window side of the classroom*

*You see Sheldon outside of the classroom*

You mouth to him "What the hell are you doing" Then Missy looks over your shoulder

"Miss, can I please go to the bathroom?" you ask the teacher

"Sure, 5 minutes that's all your getting."

*You nod and walk out the classroom*

*You bob down next to Sheldon*

"What in the living hell are you doing?"

"I'm helping you with the fight after school" Sheldon replied

"The fight is not till after school, plus shouldn't you be in class, plus onto that you are not helping me, I don't want you to get hurt"

"Tough, I am helping you"

*Time skip to the fight*

*you and Heather are staring at each other*

*The whole school is surrounding you*

*You start to punch her and everyone is cheering out your name*

"yn yn yn yn yn yn yn"

*Sheldon comes dashing in with a baseball bat and bats her on the head*

*Missy gets the science googles and a stone and it dashes at her head*

Heather M died that day. I'm totally joking but she was taken straight to hospital. Sooner everyone loved me and everyone in the school was my friend.

And that my children is how me and your dad met

*You now have 3 children Zara, Grace and Iain (sorry I had to include his name)*

"Wow" Zara says in shock

"That's one shocking story"  Iain said

Sheldon walks in saying "Don't you guys think its bedtime?"

"Awww" they all say in unison 

*you finished tucking them in and you put your head on Sheldon's shoulder

"Night kids, we love you"

"Night mom"

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