Just me and Sheldon 🙃

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*next day*

"Morning yn, Missy has baseball, and I'm doing overtime at the church so just you and Sheldon" says Mary
(Btw Georgie chose to live with his dad so that's why he ain't in it)

*Me and Sheldon looked at each other in shock*
*Missy smiles at us*
"Ok, I'm going to the church see you tonight"
"Byee" we all say

*Time skip to school*
*bell rings*
"Ready for your second day" she smiles

*you are walking to class which is math*

"Hey listen" Heather M drags you over "You have to stop being friends with Missy, she is a boy and every Tuesday wears a baseball suit which is for boys not girls."

"Hey listen, I can be friends with Missy if I want to"

"Don't talk back to me, you know what fight after school tomorrow since Missy has to go to baseball practice. You won't have a sidekick"

*you just look at them so angrily and walk off because that's what my mum told me to do*

"Oh my gosh imagine living with her hahahahahha"

I just didn't speak to anyone but Missy the rest of the day

*Time skip to lunch*

"Eww what the heck is this" you say
"I don't know, it's rank just like Sheldon"

*you just look at the food and put your head in your hands*

"What's up?" she asks worrying
"I'm worried about the fight"
"What fight?"

"Didn't you hear?" You kinda say in an angry tone. "Heather M says she wants to fight me after school tomorrow just because I'm living with you and I'm your friend. I can't help where I live, I don't even know why." You just cross your arms

"Ooh sounds rough"

*Time skip to after school*

"Omg yn imagine living with Missy's family because you have no family. I bet your parents just gave you up haha

*You just run home in tears*

*You got home and you slammed the door so hard it made Sheldon jump*

*You storm into Sheldon's room and slam that door too and burst into tears on your air bed*

"Are you alright?" Asked Sheldon
"Leave me alone" You sniffle
"Tell me what's wrong."

*You totally ignore what he just said but answered the question*

"You get picked on all the time, how do you deal with it"
"Who is picking on you" he asked
"Does it matter? Anyway- "
"It kinda does matter" he interrupts
"I'll beat them up for you, I bet up that Jason guy with a stone and some science goggles"

*You laugh a bit*

*he sits on the bed and pats next to him to say sit there*

*You sit there*

*He puts his arm around you and brings your head to his chest*

"Tell me everything"

*you tell him everything like about the fight and that. He got worked up with that*

"Wait hold up a fight? I'll be there"
"Haha no you won't"
"I want to protect you"

*you stare at him in shock and he stares back*


Sheldon Cooper x ynWhere stories live. Discover now