First day of school !

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*The next day (Monday)*

*You ain't smart like Sheldon so you are in Missys classes*

*You are sat at the table in the kitchen in the clothes of your choice

"Morning honey" says Mary

"Morning!" you reply

"We have applied you for a school"

"Awesome, where am I going?"

"Medford High so, Missy's school, Missy will be there and so will Billy!"

"Thank you Mary!" You sit down 

"Morning yn" they both say

"Morning guys" you smile

"So, you coming to my school?"

"Yes, I am so exited"

"Why arn't you going to your normal school"

you look down "I don't know, i'll ask"

*You walk to Mary*

"Hey Mary!"

"Hey honey, whats up" she asks

"Why don't I go to my normal school?"

"Look at the time! I better get to the church! See ya kids"

"Bye" we all say

*Time skip to being at school before lesson*

"What did my mum say?" asks Missy

"She wouldn't tell me, she just left."

"Oh, maybe just because she was late she was rushing"

"Or because she knows she just doesn't want to tell me"

*the school bell rings*

*You look down"

"Whats wrong?" she says with her arm around you

"Im worried, what if it's something to do with my parents"

"Don't worry, she might have just been late, she might tell you tonight. But quick, we don't want to be late for lesson."

"This is our new student yn, please make her feel welcome" the teacher says

"Eww what a bozo, she's friends with Missy Cooper, the boy" Heather M points out and laughs

*You just walk to your seat*

*You sat next to Missy*

"You want me to talk to her for you?"

"No, I can deal with her myself"

*Time skips to lunch*

"Eww the school lunches are disgusting" you say

"I know, my mum forces us to have these lunches because she can't be bothered in the morning" Missy agrees

"hmm" you say to agree

"You sure you don't want me to talk to her"

"Like I said Missy, I'm fine I will deal with her myself"


*Time skip to at home and you getting changed to go out with your friends*

"Im going now Miss Cooper see you at 6"

"Goodbye" Miss Cooper shouts

*The door shuts*

Im posting straight away because i have a good idea and I don't want to forget it. See ya HAPPY EASTER TO MY FELLOW CHRISTIANS!!

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