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I dropped down next to the other Peters on the shield, we watched was Peter 1 beat the ever loving shit out of Norman.

"Oh this is bad," I muttered, "He's going for revenge."

Peter 2 and 3 nodded, also recognising the blinding rage that was behind those nonsensical punches he was throwing.

The old man was already pretty out of commission. What Peter 1 was doing was unnecessary and... Clearly very painful with only one thing in mind: death.

We rushed forward as Peter 1 picked up Normans hover board and went to swing it down onto the old man.

Peter 2 quickly rushed out in front of him and caught the object.

"Peter," I stopped next to the two of them, Peter 1 looked at Peter 2 for a bit before looking to me.

They both struggled against each other for a while until eventually he gave in and the hover board was placed down onto the ground.

This moment of weakness was the perfect opening for the insanity that was controlling Norman's body right now.

He thrust a blade into Peter 2's back causing the other to drop down.

"Shit--" I quickly caught the man's hand, well, I didn't really catch it, it was more like he also swung at me and the blade sliced right through my palm.

Grunting, I pushed against the man, he was pretty strong despite what I'm assuming to be old age. Either that or his internal enhancement has made the guy age like twenty years at the most.

Kicking him away, I also forced my hand free, letting out a pained shout as I did.

"You good?" I looked to Peter 2 who was now on the floor as I held my now bleeding hand, "why do we have to save that guy again?"

Peter 2 shook his head as he winced.

Obviously telling me to shut up.

Mk. I'll do that.

"She was there because of you," Norman chuckled, "I may have struck the blow, but you... Ha... You're the one that killed her."

I knelt down next to Peter 2 and looked at his wound.

It's not deep enough to be fatal, luckily. It could've been a whole lost worse than it is.

Norman let out a laugh as Peter 1 spun around.

I watched as Peter 3 tossed something at him and Peter 1 stabbed Norman in the neck with it.

Well, I'm hoping that's the cure or this situation is going to be pretty awkward. I mean-- Peter 2 just got stabbed to stop Peter 1 from sending this guy to the pearly gates or the fire stairs, you know..?

Norman fell to the ground as Peter 1 pulled whatever he was holding back revealing the syringe with the cure in.

Both me and Peter 2 smiled at that as I helped him sit up.

"Peter," Norman frowned at him, the way he spoke was different so I'm guessing the cure worked.

Norman then looked to me and Peter 2, or well, more specifically, Peter 2 who just smiled at him. He then looked back to Peter 1 with a heartbroken expression on his face.

"What have I done?" he asked as Peter 3 rushed over to me and Peter 2.

"He's alright, he's alright," I told Peter 3, calming him, "it wasn't deep enough to hit anything important. Nothing a few stitches can't fix."

He then looked to my hand.

"Same with my hand," I told him with a smile, "nothing a few stitches can't fix."

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