Chapter 3

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Zachary's Episode

Zach had always been the flirty type, the jock, the popular kid that everyone wanted to be around, but that's not what attracted Jennifer to him.

Jennifer liked that when you really got to know him, without the rich parents, footballs, and stereotypical jock appearance, he was the sweetest boy on earth.

Jennifer asked Zach out when they were in 10th grade, while in sociology and after a few conversations, she was hooked, they became friends and eventually started dating.

The only person who was apprehensive about this was Jennifer's mother, Madeline Perez, better known as Nate's high school girlfriend.

Maddy knew the Jacobs, more than most, of course she would, she grew up with them after all.

The last thing she would want is for her daughter to date a mini version of Nate.

Maddy had spent her whole life after that event rebuilding what Nate has stripped from her.

Meanwhile, while Maddy was trying to raise her daughters as strong independent women, Nate and Cassie were trying to do the opposite.

"Angel, Brook , change out of that skirt, it looks like you're begging for attention." their dad said, he didn't think they looked bad, no, but he knew if other men thought they looked to good, he would need to get his hands dirty.

"Fine" they both replied, simultaneously rolling their eyes in annoyance.

While they were changing, Cassie came in, these days she looked like an average soccer mom, zip up hoodie, undershirt, yoga pants.

"I'm going shopping" Cassie had just had her morning jog, something that she did everyday to keep her figure the same, as well as her strict diet.

"The card is in the room" Nate told her from his office as he was about to leave to go to work.

Before he could head to work, Cassie ran to his office and gave him a kiss. "Have a good day hun" Cassie said while smiling.

Nate blushed a bit and thanked her and walked out off the house and started on his way to work.

Just then her daughters came downstairs. "Is he gone yet?" they asked apprehensively.

"Yes, you can come down now" their mother said, of course they wouldn't actually change, please, do you know who their mother is, that was out out of the question.

Their brother had already left so that he could get some early practice at the schools football field.

Today Angel was driving her and Brook to school in her new car. After getting the card, Cassie was about to head out too so she hugged both of her daughters and gave them kisses on their foreheads.

"Have a good day at school and make good choices." Cassie said and then walked out the door.

The girls then got in the car and we're on their way to school.

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