JUNE, 1994

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LIV WOKE UP in the hospital wing the next morning. It was eerie and silent and she wished she'd never opened her eyes. She wished the burden of last night activities hadn't fallen on her shoulders the moment she'd taken her first conscious breath, and she wished, oh how she wished, she could breathe without feeling a terrible pain in her chest.

Her clothes were still covered in blood and her skin was still torn, bruises were battered all around her limbs and not a single ache had relaxed over night. Though she was in the hospital wing, it was as if she hadn't been tended too at all, which felt very strange.

What was even stranger was the absence in the room. Liv could see the brief outline of Ron's frame in a bed not far from hers, but Hermione and Harry were no where in sight. Maybe they'd got away un-injured, or maybe the Dementor's had reached them before help could. Maybe Remus had ripped them to shreds during the full moon.

And maybe it was her imagination, but if Liv concentrated hard enough, blocking out the early morning bird chirps or the light gushes of drafts, she could hear the light murmur of Remus' voice, and what was most likely Madam Pomfrey too coming from beyond the walls of her little office. Liv pulled the covers off her as if to get out of bed, but realized her aching body wouldn't let her without putting up a fight. Stumbling the moment her toes touched the floor, she tried her hardest to make her way over to the office door.

The second she opened it she was being ushered back into bed by the nurse, which had made Remus laugh. They'd both been sipping mugs of tea together and stood up abruptly as she walked, well, stumbled in.

"Go, go!" Madman Pomfrey ushered Liv forwards with her hands. "You're not fit to be walking about just yet - you need rest, much like your Father!"

"I'm not sixteen anymore, Poppy," Remus said with his tea in his hands, following them over to where Liv had slumped back into bed. "I don't have time for rest,"

Madam Pomfrey tutted. As Remus got closer Liv could see he was just as bloody and bruised as she was, but still managed to smile despite how sullen and tried he looked. "You look better than you did earlier,"

"I feel awful," Liv replied honestly, letting Madam Pomfrey fuss over whatever body part needed her attention.

"I'm not surprised after last night," Remus said, sitting down at the end of the bed. Madam Pomfrey lifted Liv's arm causing her to wince in pain.

"Still hurts? We'll put that in a cast I think," she said, beginning to rummage through her boxes of supplies.

"I don't need a cast," Liv said quickly. She was not about to pull a Draco Malfoy over a slightly sore arm.

"Don't try and fight it, Liv," Remus said. "You will never win,"

So Liv didn't fight it, and a moment later had her arm being held up by a piece of material around her neck.

"Where is everyone?" Liv asked the moment Madam Pomfrey packed up her equipment and returned to her office. "Harry...? Hermione...?"

"I don't know," Remus said, shaking his head.

"Where's Sirius?"

It was as though Remus had anticipated the next question Liv would ask, for he'd began shaking his head again the moment she spoke. Even quieter this time, he said, "He's been captured. He's locked up in the castle somewhere,"

Liv chewed at her lip subconsciously. Was it confusion? Was it anger? Or was it just worry?

"But he's innocent, right?"

"I'm afraid our plan failed," Remus said solemnly. "Pettigrew got away, there's nothing else that can be done,"

"...you mean?"

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