Lost that smile

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It was the day everyone was due back. Jungkook had continually phoned Jimins phone and left messages.
He'd attended his videography class and passed but he didn't care, he'd rushed home everyday hoping Jimin would be there but to no avail.
The first ones back were Tae and Hobi they got back within ten minutes of each other. An hour later RM arrived talking non stop about the places he'd seen. Jin came a couple of hours later regaining them if his time away. Suga turned up greeted everyone and said he was going to sleep
Each time the door had gone Jungkook had looked up in expectation of seeing Jimin.
It was now ten thirty at night and still no Jimin.
"I'm off to bed, leave a light on for Jimin"
RM said.
"He's late though isn't he?" Hobi said.
"Oh yer I forgot to say he text me the other day and said his plans had changed and instead he was driving around different places and he'd be back late tonight." RM said before making his way to his room.
Jungkooks head shot up at the news, so Jimin had been in touch with someone.
There were only Tae and Jungkook up when the door opened and Jimin walked in, not the smiley happy Jimin but a pale tired looking Jimin.
"Hey Jimin, you look like shit!"
"Thanks Tae....I'm going to bed I'm tired goodnight "
The small boy ignored him and went to his room locking the door.
"Wow Jimin looks like he needs a holiday to recover from his holiday!" Tae muttered.
Jungkook felt awful, he'd made Jimin like that it was his fault sighing he said goodnight to Tae and went to his room glancing at Jimins closed door before closing his own.
The next day all bar Jungkook were up for breakfast, jimin nibbled on toast, not really hungry listening to the others talking around him.
"You ok Jimin?" Jin asked
Jimin nodded," tired from driving, I'll go get ready"
"Oh wake Jungkook up will you,"
Jimin went to his room dressed properly then came out glancing at Jungkooks door then ignoring it and went to the sitting room where the others were waiting.
Jimin raised his shoulders in a don't know why he's not up but I tried action.
"That little shit, you lot go on I'll come with Kookie," Jin said storming to Jungkooks room where the others heard him yelling before they trooped out.
"Jungkook for gods sake get up how many of us have to wake you up we will be late!"
"Jin? What's all the noise?"
"Oh nice of you to wake up so what's wrong with your alarm clock ?"
"Alarm?" Shit I forgot to put it on!!"
"Well why didn't you get up when I sent Jimin in?"
"Jimin? Oh er Yer Jimin," he knew Jumin hadn't been in,"so what's the time Jin?" He yawned.
"What!!shit!!" He rushed to wash his face forgoing the shower running into his room he dressed quickly grabbed his rucksack and left his room . Jin stood by the door with a banana milkshake an apple and banana," breakfast ," he said shoving it at Jungkook as they left the building arriving ten minutes late and apologising to the choreographer who was waiting to show them a new routine .
Jimin didn't look or converse with Jungkook at all, in fact he was quiet overall .
When it came to leave he asked Rm if he could travel in the car with him to hear more about his bike ride which left Jin to travel back with Jungkook.
Jin started lunch and Jimin helped him, when the table was set everyone came around, Jungkook tried to sit by Jimin but Suga sat there chatting about the recordings he'd done.
Jungkook got pulled into washing up allowing Jimin to chill out in the sitting room, but as soon as Jungkook came back Jimin stood up saying he was going out to meet Taemin.
Jungkook felt annoyed at this and spoke," you look tired Jimin shouldn't you rest up?"
Jimin stared at him his eyes cold," sleep or date with Taemin? I'll take the second option ," he turned away and left.
"Did he say date?"Hobi asked.
"Ah my baby won't be a virgin anymore if he goes out with him," Jin said dramatically then laughed
"Yer he won't will he?"Tae said looking at Jungkook in concern and noticing the clenched fists and tight mouth.
"Er Kookie let's go to your room talk about the classes you took, "Tae pulled Jungkook along with him to his room and shut the door.
"Spill what the fucks going on?"
Jungkook sighed then sat on the bed his head in his hands as he told Tae all that had happened.
He waited to hear reassurances from Tae but got,
"You asshole you really said that?!?!"
"Well yer,"
"I'm surprised he didn't punch you!!"
"Look it was just sex!!"
"Oh and you told Jimin that did you?"
"Well no but...."
"But what, you just told me Jimin himself said he'd waited eight years for you, so you thought he was in it for a casual fling ?"
Listening Jungkook could see how utterly stupid he'd been." Shit I really fucked up didn't I?"
"Hell yeah, what I can't understand is you've told me you like Jimin so why make out he's just there to pass the time?"
"I don't know, it sort of happened it was intense and I wasn't used to it, I felt exposed so said that stupid remark, trying to convince myself as well as him, oh fuck what do I do?"
"Some major grovelling !"
"But why would he go out with Taemin ?"
""To get the love he feels he's missing maybe?"
"He's mine! And I will get him back!!"
"Attaboy! Now tell me was it really that good !?"
Jungkook punched his arm and walked from his room.
Jimin came in at ten slightly tipsy but looking happy.
"You didn't drive did you Jimin?" RM asked.
"Nope Taemins driver brought me back,"
"So you had a good time?"
"The best,Taemins a good kisser," he giggled making his way wobbly to his room. Not seeing Jungkooks furious look. He got up and followed after Jimin catching his arm," what the hell are you doing?"
"Fuck off...., I'm having fun,"
"What you gonna whore yourself out to him?"
"Well I did to you didn't I? What's one more?"
Jungkook stood in shock at Jimin's words .
"Jmin don't do this, your not that type of person,"
"Why would you care? I'm just the quick fuck you had when you got bored ."
"No Jimin, I was wrong you mean more than that,"
"Too late you made me like this." Jimin stumbled into his room and locked the door.
This kept up for a week Jimin going out drinking and coming back tipsy not saying who he had been with, but looking more drawn each day.
Jungkook and Tae were at the gym when Taemin walked in nodding to the pair. Jungkook got mad just seeing him and even madder when he came over to talk until he heard what he said.
"Hey guys, er is Jimin ok?"
"Why?" Tae asked.
"Well I saw him a week ago and he tried flirting with me until I told him I have someone, then he asked why he wasn't lovable and his crush had crushed him? Since then I hear that he's drinking every night and people are trying to pick him up?"
"Shit!" Jungkook said.
"I'm just worried he seems vulnerablei"
"Thanks Taemin, we will sort it"
Taemin nodded going back to his workout.
Jungkook and Tae packed up and left getting to the dorm to find Jimin getting ready to leave.
"Hey Jimin why not stay here tonight "
"Er No Taemin will be waiting"
"Cut the bullshit Jimin he already has a partner"
Jimin flinched , "well I'll just find someone else"
"Jimin your hurting no one but yourself."
"Tae you don't understand......., I feel so ...unloved"he whispered
"Jimin, I'm sorry so sorry. I got it wrong,"
Jimin just looked at him and then ran crying To his room, luckily the others bar Tae were out so no one saw him.
Jungkook ran after him catching the door as it closed and going to Jumin back hugging him.
"I'm sorry I hurt you Jimin let me try again, I want to be with you, let me?"
"I'm tired Kookie.So tired," Jimin sobbed.
Jungkook swung the small boy up carrying him to the bed. He pulled his jacket off then put him in the bed spooning behind him," sleep baby, just sleep, I'm here,I'll stay here"
"No you just want to leave, you don't care...."
"Jimin I promise you, I will make it up to you, we will date have time together no sex til I prove myself to you ok?"
Jimin turned around snuggling to Jungkooks chest.
"I. Can't think Kookie, I'm so tired I can't think straight "
Jungkook kissed his forehead ," sleep baby it will work out just sleep.
Tae who had followed them both quietly closed the door nodding, time will tell he thought.

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