Initiations and Confessions

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       The courtyard of the Lighthouse compound was filled with parents and children leaving for the school day, most of them taking the bus to the city's international schools. Other residents who were employed, left to take on another day. Those who remained got to work on the campus maintenance including the church.

After assisting Kiyoni with the cleanup of her apartment, Kurama made the trek back to the church. It tugged at his heart the string of bad luck that fell on her and it pissed him off over who was responsible. Shuuichi felt the same way in terms of anger but he was confused as to why Shinobu would go so far. What did Kiyoni do? Was it because she turned down Shinobu's offer to return to church a few months back? If it was, Shinobu is extremely petty.

Due to leaving the window to his dorm unlocked, Kurama finding a way inside was easy so long as he was unseen.

"And you said that was a bad idea," he teased.

"It is," Shuuichi responded, "I'm willing to bet it's freezing in the room right now."

"You'll get over it. There are more important things to think about."

A couple of knocks on the door brings momentary tension.

"Deacon," Touya called, "Are you awake?"

"Shit," Kurama breathed.

"Do something," Shuuichi urged.

Kurama leaned against the door and spoke using Shuuichi's voice, "Brother Touya? Yes, I'm awake."

"Oh, okay. I didn't see you at all last night. Where did you go?"

"Oh, you know. I went...train hopping...again. You know."

"Oh. Well, Father wants to see us in the sanctuary. He said the church was attacked last night."

"Bastard," Shuuichi proclaimed.

"Why am I not surprised," Kurama gritted through his teeth.

"What was that," Touya questioned.

"You go ahead. Thank you for the message. I'll be there shortly."

"Okay," Touya took off.

"This is not good," Shuuichi stated, "No one knows about us."

"That's probably why Shinobu is calling for this meeting," Kurama guessed, "He's clearly taunting us."

"Should we go?"

"We don't have a choice. We have these necklaces. Only he can switch us over and neither of us know how or why. We have to go through this."

Shuuichi sighed in his throat, "Ready when you are."

The sanctuary of Lighthouse Tokyo looked like a small tornado went through it as people entered the establishment. More than half of the pews were either destroyed or blown away towards the front door. Areas of the floor looked like a Chicago street in the middle of winter with its multiple potholes. Shards of glass from the windows and ceiling were scattered near the choir's sitting area and underneath the audio and video area. The large cross that was hung by two wires was now dangling by one and bits of The Last Supper were charred. It was devastating to look at it all.

Yukina joined Touya, Natsume, Zeru, Makihara, and others in the impromptu meeting. Shinobu stood in the middle of the devastation, visibly upset and disappointed in what happened to his blessed home.

"Father," Yukina queried in between tears, "Father, what happened?"

"Who would do such a thing," Touya followed.

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