Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


Third person (Olympia)

"Do you know what you have done?!" The figure whispered, fearing that if he yelled he would startle them further, for The Olympians were already on their knees. "Of course we do," Zeus stated confidently, " We have punished a murderer,"
"You have simply punished a tortured soul," The figure replied.
"He murdered my son!" Poseidon grieved.
"He murdered no one, Sea God, and remember your place," The dark clad figure replied, for he realized that the God's ego were getting slightly out of hand.
"Of course, Lord Chaos, although I do not understand, Nylon was the one to Kill my son." Poseidon stated pale.
"Let me replay the boy's whole life to you, Olympians, for you do not understand what the boy has been through,"
An image appeared before them.

Nylon's Past

A two year old boy was tucked safely in his blankets, sleeping, when he heard his mother and father arguing. "Jeff I don't think you understand!" His mother exclaimed.
"What is there to understand, Giselle?!" He questioned frustrated, "If we leave they pursue us, if we stay they-" his voice was cut off as the door was kicked down. Nylon's mother, faster reflexes instantly ran upstairs and hid the boy. She heard Jeff scream. The house lit afire, gun shots rang through the air, screams tore through the smoke as his parents were tortured. Nylon, with the instincts of a demi-god, even at two, was smart enough to sneak out the back door.

Eight Years

Nylon had been on the run from monsters, and other things that he couldn't quiete decipher. Finally he ran into a 14 year old boy, Jet black hair, and sea green eyes. He looked as if he were afraid of something behind him.
"Hey there." The older boy said "My name is Percy, nice to meet you."
Nylon, wary, said, "My name is Nylon." Percy saw deep wounds and the boy, and felt sympathy and love for the younger boy.

Seven Years Later

"Nylon!" Kevin shouted from the arena, where he had been training with Percy. "Yes?" Nylon
answered politely. "Come here, would you?" Kevin asked equally polite. He complied, and walked over to Kevin and Percy.

Kevin grabbed Nylon's wrist and turned it upright, "Percy do you see this?" He questioned, Percy studied closer, not seeing anything he shook his head. While Percy kept studying his wrist, intrigued, then Kevin thrust the sword into Percy's heart then, yelled, "No, Percy! Nylon why would you do such a thing?!"

Completely shocked, The Boy didn't say a thing. Percy's sword lay by his feet. Percy had been personally training Nylon on his own time though, so he bent, grabbed his sword and rolled out of the way before Kevin's sword had even begun its descent towards where he was a millisecond ago.

Chiron had just arrived, armed with his bow, "Percy! My dear boy, what has happened to you?" Chiron asked as he paled. Kevin dropped his sword and put his hands in the air as Nylon pressed the cold steel to his throat. "Help! Nylon killed Percy and he is about to kill me!" Kevin shouted.
Nylon stared, gaping at Kevin as he shouted those words. How could he lie so easily? Chiron overcame his shock and yelled at me, "Put that damned thing down now!" Nylon dropped the sword, quick to comply, for Chiron had an arrow knocked and was aiming at his heart. "Yes sir, of course sir. But what Kevin has said is untrue!" he stated. Chiron sneered, "You dare lie to me, boy?!" he was shocked at how easily and willingly Chiron took Kevin's side.

Flashback Over

"How much he suffered," Chaos whispered, "and how simply he took his punishment, knowing that it should have been someone else's,"
Hades looked like he was on the verge of tears, Zeus ordered some servants to take away the body, so it would be harder for his brother to despair.

Third Person Nylon's POV

Nylon awoke in a tower, Can Hades look like this?, he thought,
"Perhaps it can," Spoke a voice from the shadows. Nylon jumped off his bed, reaching for a bow that wasn't there. The man that walked out of the shadows looked quiete amused.
"What were you reaching for, Son of Hades?" the man asked.
Nylon blushed, "I usually keep a bow." The man chuckled, and then became serious again.
"My master, Chaos, and I, Valle, (Vi-A) have been watching your progress,"
"That's not stalkish at all," He muttered. Valle chuckled, and Nylon flushed a bright red. Valle quickly grew serious again, "You have three choices," Valle stated, "Take your luck with the judges, Come with us or, come with us." Valle grinned. Nyon, confused asked, "Why would going with you be two options?"
"Because we'll give you two tries," Valle grinned. Nylon thought about it, he'd been labeled a murderer, and the judges definitely would not hive him a trial that he would win so he took his chances wit by Valle.
"I'll go with you," Nylon stated. Valle grinned, and Nylon studied the room for a moment, before looking behind Valle, and saw that there was something behind him, large white things behind him, and realized they were wings. "You have wings?" Nylon asked in awe. Valle startled, turned to look behind him, chuckled at his own stupidity and said, "Yes, of course, only Chaos' generals have these though," Valle added at the very end, "Of course, the color all depends on your soul."
Nylon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Why would the color of your wings depend on the color of your soul?" Valle looked amused, "Because the wings tell you how much a man has been through," He said, "The inside wings tell you how much a man or women has changed, the outside," He turned around to show how his wings had grey and white on the outside, "Shows how much a man or women has endured." Nylon stared, fascinated, when a women appeared in the room, fully black and white wings. Nylon could feel the power radiating off the form.
"My lady," Nylon said kindly. The women chuckled, "Do you recognize me, kind boy?" She questioned. "N-No ma'am," Nylon replied stuttering. "I am Chaos"
Dun Dun Dun
Sorry for the cliff hanger, but I couldn't resist! Besides you can always vote comment and read on! I'm out.

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