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"Hey Amatsumikaboshi, how is your world doing?"

"No good....I might have miscalculated and I think the one I summoned, the one called the Gra Valkas Empire won't be able to handle this situation. Im jealous on your world. This Ravenal Empire's imminent arrival is such a headache.", the girl named Amatsumikaboshi, also known as the Goddess of Stars and Chaos answered her colleague.

"Yeah this looks bad. Wait Amatsumikaboshi, did you change things here?", the unknown girl asked.

"I tried experimenting on it but I think I might need to summon another country." Amatsumikaboshi answered with a disappointed tone.

"Hey Amaterasu, help me. Suggest me what nations I should summon now.", Amatsumikaboshi asked with puppy eyes to force her colleague, Amaterasu, also known as the "Sun Goddess" to help her.

"Geez. Alright fine, I won't be able to refuse when you use that puppy eyes of yours.", Amaterasu answered.


"Ok so...Try summoning USA here....and you're experimenting with this world right?"


"Then also try summoning this version of USA"

"The World War 2 one?"

"Yes the WW2 one. I believe your world needs more "freedom" like those memes from Earth says.", Amaterasu said

"Hmmm. Ok I guess. Their Battleships looks powerful and sleeker than those of Gra Valkas! Thanks for the help Amaterasu. I'll start working on it!"

"No problem. As long as you'll help me later on."

"Help on what~?", Amatsumikaboshi asked with a questionable tone.

"Cut it out. The angels are staring at you with disgust. Anyways I'm going back to observe my world."

"Oh.... Ok bye Amaterasu.", Amatsumikaboshi answered with an embarrassed tone.

"Ok let's start doing this!"

Amatsumikaboshi started clicking and swiping on a hologram containing all info and commands.

"So I'll link this to Elysia. Then Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V. And then click on the ww2 one, copy and paste."

"Now let's wait for it to process. Man this computer derived from humans from Earth really make our job easier.", Amatsumikaboshi said with an enthusiastic tone.

After about a minute and a half of waiting. The system completed its tasked and successfully linked Earth and Elysia. It also finished transferring all the data, waiting for authentication from the user.

"Now for the fun part. 1...2...3....*click*"

"Command recieved, proceeding to transfer two subjects. USA 2022 and USA 1945 successfully transferred", the "computer" announced

"So it's a success?" Amaterasu asked as she enters the room.

"Yes, now we'll wait on how will this turn out. I'll curse the person who made the Ravenal Empire! I hope these two nations turn the tide of the war for the better." Amatsumikaboshi replied.

"The light winged people are the one who made the Empire. Don't worry, my Japan had beaten the Ravenals in my world, so I believe your two America would also bring peace and prosperity to your world. So don't worry" Amaterasu comforts Amatsumikaboshi who's starting to doubt her decisions.

"Yeah I hope they would"

NOAA, April 14 Year 2022

A researcher was on his post while drinking his coffee. He's just observing any weather build up in the atmosphere when all of a sudden, all the weather satellites' cameras and other sensor starts malfunctioning, going offline for about a minute. He and his other colleagues tried their best to get all the systems online and when it did, most the staff are awestruck and some are scared by the image that greeted them.

Freedom From Two Eras (Cancelled)Where stories live. Discover now