Chapter 2

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Republic of Mu, Mykal Port City Naval Base. April 16,????

"Sir, Task force 1 had encountered an unknown fleet of 5 large ships consisting of a large carrier, 3 cruiser-like ships and a supply ship sir.",one of the officers reported.

"The unknown fleet had agreed to follow them to Mykal Naval Base and they said they will be sending a diplomatic envoy to us. They identify themselves as the Americans sir. They claim they have been transported to our planet and they came from Earth."

"A transferred country like us and the Gra Valkans? Interesting. Contact Otaheit and tell them the situation." Rear Admiral Geff Hakres ordered.

Geff Hakres is a 50 year old man who had been promoted to Rear Admiral after his ship,the Leviathan-class Battleship, MNS Leviathan, sank 6 Mirishial ships during the First Battle of Baltica.  Due to this, he had been given command of the Fifth Coalition Fleet stationed in Mykal comprised of ships from GVE, Parpaldia, Mu, Leifor and Magicaraich.

"Yes sir.", the officer replied as he contacts Otaheit.

"I wonder what their ships looks like",
Geff wondered as he watches the port from his office window.

The port if brimming with ships from Gra Valkas, Mu and Parpaldia, ranging from gigantic battleships, aircraft carriers filled to the brim with various aircrafts, smaller ships and an occasional cargo and passenger ships entering and leaving the port. It was lively that it looked like a war isn't happening. Sailors are seen mopping the decks, walking through the port and port workers busy loading and unloading cargo and ammunition.

As he scans the sea beyond the port, he spots a large group of ships sailing towards the port. He recognises the five ships from Task Force 1 but his gaze is focused on the five curious looking ships that probably belong to the Americans. He guesses that the three smaller ships are cruisers and the other one is a supply ship but his interest is focused on the ship in the center.

It looks like a carrier. It's so massive that it dwarves even the La Kasami, their navy's flagship and even his fleet's flagship, the MNS Leviathan, who's bigger than La Kasami. He grabs a spyglass to inspect the curios looking aircraft onboard the gigantic ship. It certainly looks like the one the Holy Mirishial Empire or the Annonrial Empire uses but it seems more sleeker and more refined.

As the ships near the port, he noticed that the giant carrier dropped anchor  just at the mouth of the port, followed by two of the "cruisers" and their supply ship. He also noticed a weird insect like contraption took off from the carrier and head towards one of the "cruisers" that is following Task Force 1 towards the port.

He then thought to himself "What an interesting fleet. If we form and alliance with them, would they help us defeat the Annonrials and Mirishials?" His thoughts were cut short by the officer who contacted Otaheit.

"Sir, Otaheit had approved the diplomatic talks between the Coalition and these so-called Americans. They will be sending diplomats from the Coalition office to deal with them." The officer responded.

"When will our diplomats arrive?"

"Tomorrow sir. For the meantime, command ordered us to send Technical Director Myrus to escort the American diplomats and to analyse and acquire data of the American ships and their nation."

"Good. Now contact Myrus and tell him to get to port ASAP."

"Copy sir."

One Hour Later, Mykal Naval Base.

Myrus, who have just arrived from his hotel 5 minutes ago, had been staring at the peculiar ship in front of him. The ship is moored alongside Mu's Flagship, the MNS La Kasami and made the ship stand out more along the other ships moored at the port due to its unusually smooth surfaces and sharp angles, back by a uniform color of grey. The ship in question is named USS Michael Murphy, a destroyer as the Ambassador, the fleet's commander and some of the uniquely dressed soldiers called the Navy SEALs he's escorting told him.

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