Chapter 5 (and Announcement)

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2022 USA   Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, USNA

Two days after the arrival of the
Coalition Ambassadors, which is composed of ambassadors from Gra Valkas Empire, Mu, Parpaldian Empire, Magicaraich Community and other countries from smaller member nations of Coalition. The meeting first talked about trade, information about magic and technologies, and lastly, the joining of both USAs in the Coalition.

President Truman and Andrews along with the ambassadors all agreed with the membership of both USA in the Coalition, strengthened by the agreement to  construct a Joint Coalition-Americas base, situated in the 2022 Florida. The alliance is further solidified by a Defence Treat, known as Coalition Article 2 where if a member state is attacked by another, it is considered as an attack to all members  (kinda similar to NATO’s Article 5). The signing of the both US in the Coalition have been broadcasted all-over the world, even in countries under the Central Powers as a newspaper news, who saw the event as a mockery.

Later that day, President Andrews and President Truman signed the Treaty of Pearl Harbour, which says that both countries shall rename their countries to avoid confusion. 2022 USA settled with United States of Northern America (USNA) or simply North America and 1945 USA as (drumroll please) United States of Southern America (USSA) or simply South America. This was asked by Andrews the exact day he got contact with President  weeks ago.

Coalition Article 2 is later activated when news of Central Powers invading the Marl-Parpaldian border. Coincidentally, the American public also pushed the government to join the war after an American cargo ship was attacked and damaged by an Annonrial warship off the coast of Maine, USNA.

The Coalition later assembled a fleet to sail eastward towards Philades Continent. The fleet is composed of:

• USNA’s New World Expeditionary Strike Group (2 Carriers, 2 guided missile submarine, and 26 other ships: Flagship: Nuclear Supercarrier USS Gerald R Ford CVN-78)

•USSA’s Expeditionary Task Force (6 carriers, 4 battleships, 6 submarines and 28 other ships: Flagship: Fleet Carrier USS Bunker Hill CV-17)

•Gra Valkas Main Fleet (3 battleships, 5 carriers, 9 attack/aviation submarines and 30 other ships Flagship: Battleship GVNS Grade Atlastar)

•Mu 3rd Civilization Fleet (4 battleships, 2 carriers, 2 submarine and 21 other ships: Flagship: Battleship MNS La Kasami)

•Parpaldian 2nd Civilization Fleet (1 battleship, 1 carrier, 14 ships: Flagship: Battleship ‘The Regina Marium')

•Magicaraich 1st Fleet (1 Battle cruiser, 2 Light carrier, 1 Cruiser submarine and 10 ships: Flagship: Battlecruiser ‘Chevalier’)

•Other countries ships (30 ships)

•Combined fleet ship count: 200 ships

The fleet who have been assembled and had departed 2 days after the activation of Article 2 is expected to arrive at Philadean West coast after 2 weeks and block the Central Power’s fleet from leaving. Meanwhile, a separate fleet consisting of 10 submarines and a Carrier Battlegroup from USNA, USSA and Gra Valkas will sail westward towards the uncharted waters and expected to arrive at the Eastern Coast at 2 weeks, same time as the main fleet.

The Gra Valkan Aircraft Submarines AU-001, AU-1006 and AU-1011, Muan Cruisers and Parpaldian Naval ships carrying VIPs and King Ludius himself are to escape eastward to meet the submarine forces and then sail further to reach the Mu Continent and is expected to arrive after 4 weeks. While this is happening, 100 long range bombers are to fly towards Grameus Continent where Mu and Gra Valkas had a working Airfield situated near Heiskanen, a demon nation helped by the Coalition to be freed from Annonrial control. The airfield will be futher reinforced by USNA and USSA’s fighter wings and Anti-air equipments.

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