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Sieg had practiced the subtle art of not giving a fuck religiously for a while now—it's what had kept him alive and under so long and now here he was...last place he should be, in a house of vampires....giving a Fuck. What horror.

Then he had to hand her over and that was worst because soon as Jasper had successfully taken Alice from his arms, Several people started coming out—they formed a circle around as Lions would a wounded Elephant or a newborn fawn.

This blonde lil thing was the first to speak, hostility burned hot in her veins but more so in her eyes, Sieg could see the tenacity of her distrust for him clear as day. "What have you done to Alice?"

"It's nice to finally meet you, Rosalie." He bowed at her and when he was rising back, he found her rushing at him so that seconds later, he was being hoisted up to door by his throat.

"Don't speak to me like you know me. You know nothing about me." She hissed this with such venom, she could've been a taipan. "Now answer my question."

Sieg was losing breath, his eyes were watering...his heart was missing beats.

"Rosalie enough!"

Whoever said it was right because Sieg's world fell dark. He fell down a dark hole and only when he'd landed did he realized that there was sky above him.

There was sky and there was rain and on the ground? Blood. He started at this, started looking for the source, and found it in her...a woman.

Her pretty dress had been torn, her body bruised and her hair pulled in tuffs. Still her beauty remained, a tragic bit of beauty he'd seen before. This felt familiar. He saw panties on the cobbled street all mistreated and Sieg finally realized where he was.

He realized it and as if being controlled, looked up to the building overlooking their little alley—there was a man there, he walked off the ledge and landed to the ground like a cat and normally he would've complained but the scene before him mummed his words.

"What a tragic way to go." He sighed straightening up, he walked into the light to get closer to the woman and Sieg recognize his past. "I'm damn sorry it had to end like this, you know? I'd take him too if he was still here, that scoundrel. Toss it up to a well-deserved accident, you know?"

The woman did not respond and present Sieg could only watch all helpless at his strike one. He watched as his past slid Niles off his finger and watched it lengthened into the scythe that he'd known and loved. He made damn sure to watch and close too as his past lifted the scythe to air and down...

Its curved blade was just inches from the woman's blood stained locks when a man came running into the alley. A pale man of yellow eyes and no beating heart...he wasn't human. Sieg knew who he was soon as he saw him and so did the past, the past knew yet all it did when the man that called himself Cullen bent to the woman's side was recede Niles.

He leaned on it, and watched that man unsheathe his fangs to light, he watched the venom flow into the woman, watched her go pale and breathe all life like never before...watched her eyes color to the ones that had put him back down this memory hole. He watched Rosalie Hale's rebirth and when the man had successfully helped her off the ground and out of the alley, Sieg of the past returned Niles to his finger with a quiet laugh.

"I'm cooked goose."


He woke up laughing at that...

Cooked goose.

He woke up in a cellar too...

On a noose.

It was a wine cellar, everywhere he looked were lines of old booze and then there were his restrains...chains; they looked new—like hours ago new and Sieg couldn't say he appreciated that at all. The fresh status of his restraints threw off the room's  old, rustic aesthetic and Sieg loved himself some.

The free booze consoled him though, so hands tied up to the ceiling, he walked to the closest shelve and leaned down fully intending to snatch one with his mouth, but that was still not enough—the booze was still a bit away.

"Will you stop that?"

Sieg had been so focused on the booze that He jumped when he heard this, he hadn't even noticed that there was somebody else in here with him. "Stop what?"

"Booze, booze, booze—that's all you're saying up there." Edward Cullen rounded one of the shelves and out into the open with a book in his hand. With his other, he tapped his own temple. "So please hush."

"Or what?" Sieg went for the bottle again and he, Edward, pushed it back.

"Or that."

Sieg straightened, fists forming above his head. "You better be careful, Bronzer—I'll crush you."

"Like you did Alice?"

"Look amateur, I put her to sleep so either hand me that bottle or kindly go do something to yourself. Preferably elsewhere."

"Except we don't sleep, we're..." His pompous sulky drawl stops right on the edge, as if he'd figured out Sieg's clever, clever plan. "...you know what we are."

"Aye." Sieg swung on his heels a little. "But do you know what i am? No, I don't suppose you do. If you did, you wouldn't make a stupid mistake like this, tying me up. Last time one of you tried that didn't end so hot. If you knew what I was, Dickless, you'd know my kind can make yours fly wingless if we wanted to."

"What are you?"

"Untie my hands and I'll show." And Sieg meant it with everything he had, he would show dickless sleep like never before; Niles had been craving death a while now and Sieg had always been a very indulgent babysitter. So he waited for that pulsing Niles always sent through his hand and when he didn't feel it, he looked up at his hand—his smirk slipped then.

"Where's my ring." It was no question and Edward knew.

It was one thing to not even be able to get in, but he could get in and inside Sieg's mind had suddenly gone blank. Complete radio silence. Nobody's mind ever went that clear. Sieg looked up and rage worst than Rosalie's nearly distorted his fairly handsome face. "Where's my ring, Dickless?!"

He yanked his hands down and the restraints snapped off like stretchy bandaids. He knocked Edward to the ground before the man could say another word and took him by the back of his shirt.

Sieg dragged him up the stairs like a box o' Christmas ornaments too heavy to hold and when he came to the door, he kicked it out into a wide kitchen—the women were there and hearing the commotion, the men came too. Sieg threw Edward at them and watched them fall back like bowling pins—he was livid...fucking angry! This was what he got for giving a damn? Oh no, never again.


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