Chapter two

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this is chapter 2 ok I've changed there ages a bit except nialls gonna be 16. when something is between this ' ' it means nialls eather reading a mind or telling someone to do something



Niall's P.O.V age 15

I've always been a strange kid. Even when I was little mum told me that it was ok to be different. But looking back, It's what ruined everything......

********************niall flashback age 12*****************

"niall hunny its time to get up!" mum says gently shaking me

'get out of my room' i grumble at her through my mind

"ok love" she says then leaves (mum and Greg know about my powers) i sit up and rub my eyes, today is the day Ive been dreading for so long, i sigh and kick my green covers back and slid onto the cold wooden floor i shiver and drag my feet along the floor as i go to the bathroom. the black heated tiles in the bathroom warm my feet up i see mums already set out my school clothes

'thanks mum' i say through my mind i get in the shower wash my hair and stuff then get out and get dressed into my school uniform which consists of black pants a button up long sleeve shirt a grey cardigan and shoes of our choice, i choose my white supras, i do my dyed blonde hair in a quiff, i sigh this is as good as its gonna get i think to my self as i stare at my reflection.

"niall hurry up breakfast is getting cold and i need to take a piss!" greg yells banging on the door, i open the door and he pushes past me and shoves me out, i roll my eyes

'thanks greg' i tell him sarcastically as i race down stairs eager to have breakfast

'mornin mum' i tell her while kissing her cheek

"good morning nialler" she says handing me a plate of spaghetti on toast i sit down at the marble counter and i slowly eat it i take this time to think about just about anything i gess i stoped talking when i was 7 i dont really know why i just stoped talking its not like i cant talk cause i know i can it just.....well its just confusing ounce i finished eating i put my plate in the sink

"niall here's your lunch and remember dont talk to anyone through your mind! just use sign" she says sternly

'its not like i talk anyway' i tell her

"you could if you wanted to" she says i shake my head and put my lunch in my bag then get in the car and wait for greg and mum.

i hear the door slam and i turn around to find greg sulking

'whats wrong?' i ask him

"mum said i have to look after you" he grumbles i roll my eyes i hear mum get in the car and start it up i hear gregs thoughts 'i cant believe mums making me look after him he isn't a bloody 2 year old anymore i think he can take care of himself its not like hes gonna get beat up or anything' i sigh i think ive heard enough i switch to mums thoughts 'all i did was ask him to watch out for niall but no he had to turn it into a big deal i just dont want anyone hurting nialler hes just so Innocent my heart would break if something bad happened to him or greg' i cant take this anymore

'guys im not a kid greg im not going to follow you round and mum im sure greg will help me if i get into trouble ok?' they stay silent as we pull up at school

'bye guys' i tell them

"bye niall and greg wait in the car a moment" mum says i roll my eyes and get out of the car swinging my bag over my shoulder and head into the red brick school.

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