chapter three

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I'm sorry it's so late :( I really am I've been really busy

I know you don't want to hear my excuses

But I'm really sorry!!!

soooo this is liams one!!!!

hope ur excited!!!!

i am!!!!

and im like in love with this song at the mo its royals by lorde its amazing!!!

well not really but anyhoe ill just get on with it :P

oh and that creepy man just keep him in mind dont forget him he will be back!!



Liam's P.O.V

i shouldn't have done that! oh god what have i done! i think as Pace my bathroom pulling at my hair with tears streaming down my face, i stand in front of the mirror i recently broke by punching it, i grip the sink and stare at my reflection in the glass fragments, my eyes are red from crying, my jaws clenched from the stress and i can see little bits of glass sticking out of my right hand as well as blood i mean you would be stressed to if this happened to you i mean there 4 strangers in my house all and all i look god damn awful, with all this happening i cant help but remember the moments leading up to this, the moment that started this tragic event


Liam's P.O.V age 15

something was telling me this is a terrible mistake, but then again it was exhilarating the adrenalin rush made me stop thinking about the consequences and more about how much i need this release, the pressure was gone there were no high expectations out here just pure adrenaline,

my surroundings are blurry i can only make out trees and the rough foliage covered ground I'm running on, all i know is i cant stop and honestly i don't want to stop, because i feel free, i feel free like the wind like a bird like....anything that's free!!! and it feels amazing i mean mums wrong what could possibly go wrong if I'm running in a huge forest i mean what are the chances of anyone seeing me run and even if they did I'm running to fast for them to even make out who it is

i suddenly hear a loud noise and i come abruptly to a Holt what was that?! i wonder to my self i quckly asses my surroundings all i see trees the rough ground and wait whats that? wait what IS that?! i blink a few times just to make sure i see it correctly ok it is definitely real but seriously what is that!? i slowly approach the scene before my eyes

i hear the ground crunch beneath my feet as i see more clearly whats going on a man who looks to be 20 with dark hair dark eyes a seems to resemble a rat, that appears to be talking rather loudly to someone on the phone, the first thing that pops to mind is what could he possibly be doing out here in the forest and his car looks rather flash to be going for a joy ride so the only reasonable explanation for him to be out here in the first place is that hes lost but then again what made him come out here in the first place? i crouch down behind a bush and i hear the man cackle darkly before announcing himself

"I know your there Liam" the man chuckles again ok I'm slightly creeped out, I stay crouched behind the bush in fear, I mean who says that to a person that's creepy and how the heck does he know my name?

"If you don't move now ill make you move and trust me when I say it will hurt" he says again I quickly asses my options, run for it? Well that seems the most logical idea but I have a gut feeling he will find another way to get me, I slowly rise and cautiously step in front of the bush I was hiding behind,

"Good choice Liam" he says with a wink, he's now leaning on his car with his hands In his pockets of his dark jeans

"how do know my name?" i question

"that's for me to know and you to find out" he states ok turn the creepy dial up to 6

"what do you want from me?" i try a different approach

"you'll find out" he says vaguely ok turn the creepy Dial up to 11

"how did you know i would be here?" i try again

"ive been watching you, i know you patterns i know you deepest darkest secrets liam james payne i know all" he says slowly approaching me, i step back to put some distance between us but realise i have to stop or ill hurt myself

"Wh-who are you" I manage to splutter out

"Your worst nightmare" he laughs evilly and I take that as a sign to get the hell out of there

But he was right he is my worst nightmare in fact he still haunts my dreams today.......

..............................................flash forward four years/an hour before they meet.................................

*beeep* *beeep* *beeep*

Mph I huff as I quickly shut of my alarm wanting to go to sleep, but I know that's not an option because today's my first day at my new job at the small bank in town, I sigh and jump out of the warm purple and black duvet that covers my bed and onto the fluffy carpet, i shiver today's not very warm i quickly scramble to my dresser to get the work outfit i have been assigned to with consist of black pants and a white t-shirt.

i quickly get dressed and put on my lucky green socks and shoes and clip the hello my name is.... badge to my top i pull on my jacket and zip it up no time for breakfast today im running late and i absolutely can not be late for my first day of work!

i lock the front door and exit my apartment building to the chilly morning air and hastily make my way to the bank

but little did i know that this was the beginning of the end

but also the start of something new

a new life where i meet my 4 best friends

but will also be the beginning of the end of everything we hold close

the end of everything we love

the catastrophic events that will end many lifes

but save more

if only we knew then what we know now

maybe less people would have died

but its to late now

all we need is the answer

the key that fits the lock

but if only we could figure it out

and until then there may be no tomorrow.........


i know its not that long but at least its descriptive :P

and again im really sorry for taking so long to update

and just to let you know ive already started the next chapter

its harrys p.o.v

hopfully it will be up soon

and i also need to make a new chapter for WTLPF/ when the last petal falls



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