chapter four

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so this is harrys p.o.v

do u like the new cover???

sorry it took so long

like im really sorry

please forgive me!!! pwese *puppy eyes*

oh well i best not rant

so heres the new chapter!!!

its kinda like harry explaining whats going on in a way

I guess??

argg I kept trying to publish it

but wattpad wouldn't let me!!!!!



Harry's P.O.V age 6

I grab my mums hand in fear as we walk up to a small white building she quickly pulls her hand away wincing slightly but of course me being a naïve 6 year old didn't think anything of it we slowly approach the building one thing notice is that it kind of looks like a prison I mean there's bars on the windows

"mummy im scared" I murmur halting in my tracks afraid of what's to come but mum seems to have other ideas

"lets go harry" she hisses at me grabbing my arm and pulling me along im a little taken aback she's never talked to me like this before, did I do something wrong? we enter the prison like building and it doesn't look as scary as its exterior, it looks like a typical office entrance, we quickly approach that front desk and we are greeted by a middle aged lady with greying hair held neatly in a bun

"good morning how can I help you today?" she asks with a big grin on her face

"I have an appointment with Mr Andrews" my mother says

"ok just right down the hall to the left the first door you see" she says pointing in the direction

"thank you" my mother says before rushing down the hall at a quick pace, we stop outside the door that says mr Andrews

"harry wait outside" she says pointing to the chair next to the door I nod and climb onto the chair, maybe this is the doctors and mummy's sick, or mums talking about me being different...

it happened a couple of weeks ago and mummy hasn't treated me the same since,

*************flash back***********

I was playing in my room and mummy walked in and screamed I didn't understand what was wrong so I dropped the power ranger I was playing with

"mummy what's wrong?" I ask

"where are you? harry stop playing games! I don't like this" mum yells

"im right here" I say grabbing her hand, she shrieks

"harry...harry? no this cant be right...he's just like his father! his stupid father that I left years ago because of this" she mumbles, what is she talking about I look down at myself and gasp

"mummy im invisible" I stutter she yells and runs out the door slamming it behind her

***********flash back over**********

I agree with mummy it was scary and I just don't know how it happened, one minute im playing with my dolls and the next minute im invisible its like...magic? but I don't believe in magic mummy told me magic isn't real, I sit patiently for another 10 minutes and then I start to get restless, finally the door opens and my mother followed by a short round man with a red face and white hair exit the room.

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