Chapter 1: The New World

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 A young boy named Deacon woke up to the sound of an alarm. He had rosy-pale skin, freckles, curly ginger hair, and blue eyes. He mentally prepared himself for the day ahead of him. The pattern is always the same. He goes to school, comes home, cleans up around the house, and helps with anything else. He tried to make himself get up, but it took a while. Yesterday's chores must have taken more out of him than he thought. Eventually, he finally got ready and walked down the stairs. He then noticed that his sister was sitting at the table in the kitchen. She was tanner than her brother and had dark brown eyes with straight ginger hair. "It's about time you woke up, brother." She says, giving him a glare. "I'm so, so sorry, sister! I think I overworked myself yesterday." He says in a whimper. "Yeah, yeah, whatever... Just be glad you haven't made us late." She says, getting up from the kitchen chair, and walking into the living room. "Now come on, dipshit. You know how much mother hates to be kept waiting." She says, throwing her book bag at him. Deacon sighed as he followed his sister out of the door. He got into the car shortly after his sister. Then, his mother started to drive. She had sandy beige skin, black hair, and dark brown eyes. "Deacon, I believe I've told you what happens if you waste my time, correct?" She says as her cold eyes stare at him from the rearview mirror. "Yes, mother..." He says, looking down slightly. "Then you should already know that you're treading on thin ice." She says. He then looks back up at her eyes. "I'm sorry, mother... I promise that it won't happen again." He says. "I sincerely hope it doesn't, for your sake." She says. The rest of the drive is silent. Eventually, they get to their school: Elysium Grove High School. Deacon gets out of the car and goes through the doors. He walks through the crowded halls and brings his sister's book bag to her locker. He puts it inside and closes it. Shortly afterward he heard a voice that he knew all too well. "Hey, Deacon." He turned around, and, of course, it was Jade. She had piercing light green eyes, jet black hair, and pasty-pale skin. She had taken an interest in him ever since she moved to his town. She was usually cruel - like every girl who had been interested in him up to that point. Unfortunately, nowadays, that is the case with a lot of males his age. "Yes, Jade?" He says. "I just wanted to remind you that there's nothing you can do to get away from me." She says. "Uh, why do you say that?" He asks, his voice shaking slightly. "Don't play dumb with me!" She yells as she hits one of the lockers. "I've noticed how you've been avoiding me lately, and I'd advise against that, okay?" She says, gripping his chin, and staring into his eyes menacingly. Deacon lets out a shaky sigh. "Okay..." He says. "Good boy... Now run along." She says. Deacon then starts to walk to his class.

 Eventually, he gets to class, and once he sits at his desk, the holographic projectors turn on, projecting his teacher: Ms. Edison. "Alright, class. Today's history lesson is about the uprising and downfall of the terrorist group: 'The Remnants of the Old World.' Now, can anyone tell me who the leader of this infamous group was?" She says. Deacon knew the answer to this one, so he raised his hand, but a couple of other students raised their hands too. "Jacob." She says, pointing at one of the male students. "Um, Serenity Clemente, right?" He says. "Correct! Good job, Jacob." She says in a sweet tone. "Now, who can tell me why they were such an infamous group?" She asks. He was pretty sure he knew the answer to this one as well. So, he raised his hand again, along with a few other students. "Deacon." She says, pointing at him. "Um, because they hacked into Militeck's early model automatons and used them to kill several hundred civilians in The Capital, right?" Deacon says. "Correct, once again! Oh, you boys are on a roll today!" She says with a giggle. "Well, enough of my questions! On with the lesson!" She says before taking her hand and tracing it through the air in a diagonal line. As she does this, a screen comes into view. She then uses her hands to make the screen taller and broader. The Remnants of the Old World Insignia was on the right of the screen. It was a shield with two rifles behind it, forming an X. Vines surrounded the shield and rifles. Some notes were typed on the left. "This group was founded on January 20, 1855. And their first violent act was committed on April 2, 1855, when they attacked Ms. Millicent in her office." She says. Deacon then starts to doze off. "Deacon! Now is not the time for sleeping!" Ms. Edison says sternly. He jolts up. "O-oh! S-sorry, Ms. Edison. I didn't even realize I was falling asleep!" Deacon says. "It's fine, Deacon. Just be sure to stay awake for the rest of the lessons, okay?" She says in an understanding manner. "Okay, Ms. Edison," Deacon says. Eventually, Deacon finished all his classes with Ms. Edison, and it was time to go home.

 Deacon was walking to his locker to get his book bag when Jade knocked his supplies out of his hands. "Oops, sorry." She says. He then kneels to pick up his supplies, but she grabs his chin and forces him to meet her gaze. She then chuckles. "Oh, what a lovely and fitting position." She says. He then started to get up, thinking that she was done "flirting" with him. "No, no, no." She says, forcing him back down. "I'm not done looking." She says. Eventually, she smirks before finally letting go of him. "See you next week, pet." She says before walking away. He sighed before he started to pick up his supplies. He then noticed another hand give him his papers. He looked up and saw a female he remembered seeing with Jade a few times. She had olive skin, dark green eyes, and dark brown hair with red highlights. He also noticed that she had a couple adhesive bandages on her face. He then noticed her varsity jacket and realized that that might be the reason. "Hey Deacon. I just wanted to say: I'm sorry about Jade. I know how much of a bitch she is to you. So, when I saw her doing this, I figured I'd at least help you pick up your supplies. I would have helped you sooner, but there's only so much I can do, you know? She is my friend, after all." She says as Deacon finishes collecting his supplies. "Um, who are you? W-wait, I-I'm sorry if that sounded rude!" He says. "Oh, no, it's fine! My name is Adira." She says with a sweet smile. "Oh, well, It's nice to meet you! You're surprisingly kind. I honestly didn't expect that, considering most females aren't that nice to me." He says as he looks down. "I... I'm sorry, Deacon. I can only imagine how rough it must be for you." Adira says. "I-it's fine! It's been this way my entire life, so I'm used to it." Deacon says. Adira gives him a sympathetic look. "Well, I'm still sorry, regardless... But, um, I better get going. I have practice. See you around, Deacon." She says, patting his back. "Oh, okay. Bye." Deacon says as she walks away. He then gets his book bag and puts his supplies back into it before going to the car. As he gets in, he notices that his sister isn't there. There is a long moment of silence as he and his mother wait for his sister. His mother lightly taps her fingers on the wheel as she waits. "Mother, are you getting impatient?" Deacon asks. "Perhaps, but I'm sure Valerie is doing something important with her time." She says. After a while, Valerie finally gets into the car. "I am terribly sorry for being late, mother. I got a bit distracted while playing with my newest toy." Valerie says. "Oh, that's perfectly fine, Valerie!" His mother says as she starts to drive. "So, would you mind sharing his name?" She asks. "Not at all, mother. His name is Abel," Valerie says. "What an adorable name." His mother says. "It very much is! Also, now that we're on this topic, I believe Deacon has something to tell you," Valerie says. "W-what?" He asks, tensing up. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice at some point, brother?" She asks, looking back at him through the rearview mirror. "N-no... I was just delaying the inevitable." Deacon says. "That's what I thought. Now, tell her." Valerie says. Deacon lets out a shaky sigh. "M-mother, someone is interested in me and has been for a while. Her name is Jade, and I... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner!" He says, shutting his eyes tightly. There is a moment of silence. "Don't worry, Deacon. You're not in trouble. But, we are going to have her over next week." She says. Deacon whimpered slightly. He may as well be in trouble. School was the only thing keeping Jade from doing anything she wanted to him.

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