Chapter 12: Reunited

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 Serenity woke up in her bed. She had been living in Katashi for a couple of days at this point. She groans. "PAM, what time is it?" She asks, stretching. "It is currently 8:21 AM." PAM says. "Eh, that's close enough to my usual jogging time." She says, getting up. She then gets dressed and walks out of the house. She then starts to jog around the streets. After a while, she passes Dawn and Zephyr. Dawn was singing while Zephyr played his guitar. This was a routine they had started shortly after they met each other. Once they finished their song, Dawn asked Zephyr a question. "Zephyr, do you have any children?" "Hm? Why do you ask?" He responds. "Well, that song just made me think, and... I want to see how much I can relate to you." She says. "Ah... Well... I do. Two, in fact. They're not with me, though." He says. "Oh... Well, in that case, I guess I can relate..." She says, looking down somberly. Zephyr gives her a sympathetic look. "Dawn... I'm sorry." He says. "No! Don't be! I hope you see your children again someday." She says. "Yeah... I do too." He says, looking down at his guitar. Dawn is silent for a moment. "What about your wife?" She asks. "She's someone I never want to see again." He says with a hint of anger in his voice. "Oh..." She says. "I... don't wanna focus on this subject anymore. How about another song, hm?" He says. "Okay, Zephyr." She says.

 Lucas came up to Serenity while she was jogging. She notices him and stops jogging. "Need something, Lucas?" She asks. "Yeah. A couple of people got here today. They said they know you." He says. "Do you mind taking me to them?" She asks. "Not at all. That's actually the whole reason I came to find you." He says. "Alright. Well, lead the way." She says, extending her arm. He then starts walking and she follows him.

 She approaches an area near the entrance where Diana, Corwin, Deacon, and Adira were waiting. Diana practically jumps up. "Serenity! We were so worried about you!" Diana says. "Ah, well... Sorry I worried you." She says. "That guy, Lucas, told us that Frieda Amabile kidnapped you? Is that right?" Diana says. "Yeah." Serenity says. "How'd you get away?" Diana asks. "She let me. Told me to go here. Turns out she was just trying to keep a promise." Serenity says. "How about y'all? Why are y'all here?" She adds. "Well, we left Leonie's house shortly after you went missing, and we met some people who told us to come here if we needed a safe place." Diana says. "How do people outside know that this place is still standing, Lucas?" Serenity asks, as she looks toward Lucas. "Some people offer to live outside and tell people to come here... if they trust them enough." Lucas says. "Then... why did Frieda kidnap me." She asks. "Simple. She made me that promise long before people started doing that." He says. "Well, I'm glad they did." Diana says. "Yeah. I am too. It's definitely the safest place we'd find." Adira says. "And it's a kingdom! I've always wanted to see a real kingdom!" Deacon exclaims with a smile. Adira chuckles. "I always love seeing you happy, Freckles." She says, ruffling his hair. He giggles. "If you like, I could tell you about Katashi's history at some point, Deacon." Lucas says. "Really? I'd love that!" Deacon says. "You never learned about Katashi, kid?" Serenity asks, looking toward Deacon. "No. School never mentioned it. In fact, I never found anything that mentioned this place." Deacon says. "Me either." Adira says. "That makes sense. Few people outside even know the name "Katashi." Abrianna erased any information regarding it long ago. Why? I'm not sure." Lucas says. "Hm..." Serenity folds her arms. "Well, I want to look around! Come on Adira!" Deacon says, grabbing her hand, and getting up. "Woah! Okay, Freckles! I'm coming." She says with a chuckle, as she walks off with him.

 As usual, Dawn was singing while Zephyr played his guitar. Zephyr then saw Deacon and Adira walk by. There was a spark of recognition in his eyes. He puts down his guitar and walks over to them. "Deacon?" Zephyr says. Deacon then looks over to him. "Father?" He says. He then smiles widely and embraces him. "Oh father, I missed you so much!" He says. Zephyr sighs lightly. He found it hard to believe that this wasn't a dream. "I missed you too Deacon... So much." He says, hugging him back tightly. Dawn smiles at them. It made her happy to see Zephyr reunited with one of his children. "I... I should never have left. I'm so sorry." Zephyr says hugging him tighter. "I can only imagine how hard it's been for you without me." He says, breaking the hug. Deacon notices that he was tearing up slightly. "It's okay, father. Someone else has been with me through the pain." He says looking over to Adira. "My name is Adira. Nice to meet you, Mr. Cross." She says. "Thank you for being with Deacon through his pain, but please... call me Mr. Atticus or Zephyr. Anything but that wretched woman's last name." Zephyr says. "Oh. Alright, Zephyr." She says. Deacon then notices Dawn. "Oh! Is that an automaton?" He asks. Zephyr then looks back at Dawn. "Oh, yeah." They then walk back over to her. "This is Dawn. She's been hurt by Abrianna too." He says. "It's nice to meet you, Dawn!" Deacon says with a smile as he stretches his hand out. Dawn chuckles. "It's nice to meet you too, Deacon." She says, shaking his hand. She then turns to Adira. "And you as well, Adira." She adds with a smile. "Would you two like to sing with us for a while?" She asks. "Yeah! That sounds fun!" Deacon says with a smile. "Not sure if I'm all that good at singing, but if Deacon wants to do it, I will too." Adira says. "Okay! I'll sit on the ground to make room for you, Deacon." Dawn says. She then gets up from the bench and sits down next to it. "Thank you, Dawn." Deacon says, sitting down on the bench. "Of course, Deacon." She says. Zephyr then sits down on the bench next to him. "Well, how about we sing your childhood favorite? Do you still have it memorized?" He asks, picking up his guitar. "Of course!" Deacon says. "Alright. Dawn, we're gonna play "Whimsical Memories," okay?" Zephyr says. "Okay, Zephyr." She says. Zephyr then starts to play his guitar, and they sing for a while.

 That night, Deacon and Adira were in a bedroom of a house that Lucas assigned all of them. They were both sitting next to each other on the bed. "Today was amazing, Adira! Not only did I get to see a real kingdom, but I also got to see my father too!" Deacon says. Adira smiles at him "I'm glad you're happy, Freckles. I know it's probably been stressful for you lately." She says. "Well, a little, but being with you has made it better." He says. "Being with you always makes me feel better." He adds, leaning on her. "Adira, can I um... Can I tell you something?" He says, shortly afterwards as he looks up at her. "Of course! You can tell me anything, Freckles." She says. "Okay... Here it goes..." He says. He then takes a deep breath. He then looks her in the eyes. "I... Adira, you make me feel so happy and loved. N-no one's ever made me feel like this before. Being around you, it just... It just makes me feel so good and warm inside... and... I..." He pauses, as his face gets redder. "Adira... I think... I think I love you! I just want to be in your arms forever, and I... I..." Adira slowly puts her hand on his cheek, causing him to stop rambling. "Freckles... I love you too." She says, rubbing his cheek with her thumb. She pulls him closer. "You're so sweet and energetic now that you've come out of your shell. It's just so cute. I can't help but love you." She says with a loving smile. She is silent for a moment as she looks into his eyes. She then stretches. "It's getting late. How about we get some sleep, huh?" She asks. "Yeah. I'm a little tired too." He says, laying down. Adira lays down shortly after him and hugs him from behind. "Goodnight Adira. I love you." He says, placing his hand on hers. "I love you too, Freckles." She says. They then drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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