Officialy meeting

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I pushed open the front doors and was immediately met with cold air blowing in my face. I saw a short women with mint green hair talking to my uncle so I quickly strolled over there. "It's been so long sense you visited, we love having you here" the short women said, who I guessed to be Odalia, the queen.

"Ah yes well things have been very busy in my kingdom and of course I had to keep this one under control" my uncles smooth voice rang out. As he spoke he placed a hand on my shoulder so I straightened my back slightly to look more 'presentable'.

I could see Odalia force a smile, her eye was slightly twitching in annoyance and her hands were fidgeting with each other in impatience, I had to live with my uncle for all 16 years of my life so I got pretty good at learning when people were being fake.

"Well as you should know my children are doing great, Amity may be our youngest but she shows great ambition and will be a great leader someday, I think I would trust her more then anyone to take over the throne when I'm gone."

"And how are the twins? Edric and Emira was it?"
Belos said, trying to keep the conversation going. "Well" she said with a pause "I think they might have gotten even more mischievous sense they were younger, Edric the most. All they ever do is play pranks but I know they have great abilities deep down and I will drag it out of them if I have to."

She tapped on the shoulder of one of the servers walking by with an empty and asked "could you bring the kids and Alador down here?" They gave a silent nod and headed up the stairs.

Odalia and Belos started chatting more until they heard someone coming down the stairs. It was a middle aged man with brunette hair with a pair of goggles sitting on the top of his face, he was wearing a black uniform with odd purple stains on it, but the most shocking thing were his golden eyes.

Surely it was a coincidence, I saw plenty of people with pointed ears in the market, it must have just been a common feature.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs he reached out and shook his uncles hand then surprisingly shook his. Odalia smiled brightly "you remember my husband, Alador." Belos nodded and said "of course, you're work is extraordinary."

The next person who walked down the stairs made me have to squint because she looked exactly like the queen, same mint green hair, pale skin and face shape. She looked a few years younger than me and came down in a purple and pink dress with short sleeves and a gem in the middle, she was also wearing a small purple crystal necklace . The only difference she had to her mother was the light brown hair growing out from the top of her forehead and her eyes the same golden shade as her fathers.

She had a blank expression as she shook his hand and she kept her voice very monotone when she finally spoke, "Amity Blight" I nodded and shook back "Hunter Wittebane".

During the rest of there conversation Amity stayed pretty quiet, only talking if someone asked her too, much like her father. Although I did notice when the brunette maid who had greeted me and my uncle earlier walked by her entire face lit up, the girl gave a small wave and Amity immediately waved back. After she left Amity turned back around and must of suddenly remembered where she was because after blinking for a few seconds she reverted back to her emotionless expression.

I glanced back up at the stairs just in time to see a green haired girl run out one of the doors. She was wearing a dark purple suit with a small green gem in the middle of her chest. I stared at her hair, dark gree-

"Gah sorry" yelled the last person. Short dark green hair and golden eyes. He quickly raced down the stairs. "Couldn't find my glasses." His eyes turned towards his four family members and he smiled. Then he turned to me and my uncle, he opened his mouth, no doubt mine was open too. But before he could say a word Odalia started talking.

"Edric, this is King Belos and Prince Hunter." Edric looked like he still had millions of questions buzzing around but thankfully he didn't ask any of them as he stuck out his hand. "Nice to meet you" he said. "Uh, you too" I replied trying to sound calm.

"Well we all have important matter to discuss so we must be off, all of you can stay in here and chat" Odalia said. With that she walked off and the two Kings followed quickly.

We all sat down "so you're the prince of the golden kingdom?" Amity was the first one to speak. "Uh, yeah" I said staring down at my hands as if they were the most interesting thing in the entire world and trying to ignore the three pairs of golden eyes on me.

"Mittens it's fine if you want to go find your girlfriend" Emira said, nudging her sister lightly.
Amity's face turned as red as a tomato, "Luz is not my girlfriend!" She screeched. "Yeah I never said Luz" Emira shot back.

Amity quickly stood up and fanned her face slightly then turned to look at me. "You're ok with me going right?" She said. "Yeah, sure" not trying to seem like a jerk. She quickly ran off upstairs and I turned to Emria and raised an eyebrow.

She seemed to understand and said "Luz's mom works here and Luz always helps her out." "Oh ok" I responded. Then Edric spoke "so why are you here?" His voice had less of a hostile edge and just sounded plain curious. I started fidgeting with my hands again, of course he had to bring up the thing I was trying to avoid for 6 years.

"My uncle brought me here so uh" I stopped to take in a breath. "He wants me and Emria to be together so our kingdoms will form an alliance" I glanced up at Emria "I assume you know already?"

"Yeah, and it's not going to happen" she said roughly. "I mean no offense to you but I already have a girlfriend and we're working on a plan to get of this" she made a small gesture with her hands between her and me.

"So what should we do in the meantime? Until you figure out all the details of your plan?" "Fake it" Edric spoke, "Pretend you're both together, Emira you can sneak off to meet Viney, and Hunter, well I don't know you can just chill here." He said crossing his arms with a small smirk on his face.

"Edric that's, actually a pretty smart plan" Emira said with a wide smile on her face. She stuck out her hand "what do you say?" I shook it. "Well I'm going to go visit Viney" she said standing up.

She walked over to the door and walked out. I glanced at Edric, we were the last ones in the room. "Do you know we're the guest rooms are, I left earlier before someone could show me where they were."

"Yeah I can show you where they are." He replied. He put both hands on his seat and hauled himself up, I stood up too and followed him as he lead the way.

The Blight castle was incredibly regal, there were lots of flowers lining the halls and beautiful portraits of the Blights in every hall, some of the just the King and Queen but a lot contained the children.

After what felt a very short walk Edric stopped and gestured to three rooms. "I believe the room on the right is where your uncle is staying so you can pick either of these rooms." He said. "Thank you, I really mean it" I could feel my smile growing on my face "it's really nice to have a friend here."

Edric's cheeks turn a light pink when he heard me. "Uh yeah it's no problem" I saw a small smile form on his face, I raised my eyebrow. "See you around, golden prince" he said, referencing his joke from earlier. He put two fingers up to his forehead, saluted and walked away.

I let out a small snort as I opened my door. Dang was that boy a wild card. I scanned my room quickly, a queen sized bed, a desk, two book shelves and a huge chandelier right smack in the center of it wall.

I walked over to the bookshelf and pulled out a book, From Bones to Earth, a study of wild magic. Wow, just holding this book would probably get you exiled from the golden kingdom, so naturally I started reading it.

It explained different spells and how they were first made, even talking about the theory of different way to cast magic then the born ability to.

Before I knew it the silver moonlight shone into my window and was providing more light then my candle. I quickly blew it out and was about get ready for bed when I heard rustling by my door.

I walked over only to see a small folded up piece of paper that was slid under my door. I picked it up and walked over to my window so I could see it it in the moonlight, not feeling like lighting another candle.

The parchment was a light blue and it read:

Meet me in the gardens at midnight
- Edric ;)

Royally Rebelling - A Goldric StoryWhere stories live. Discover now