"shut up. juseyo..."

183 2 6

Her heart pounds.

Sweat accumulates in her palms.

She ignores this as she wipes the sweat off her forehead, not noticing her clammy hands.

The wait was longer than expected.

The moment they let her in, she claimed it.

With the wrinkle of her nose....she furiously pounded on her keyboard.

aing-ri: i call adc

Lee Hyeri sighed in content as she crept her hand into the chip bag that lay next to her desktop computer.

She laughed with might to herself, "Psh these boys can't touch this! My typing skills are so pro. That is why I always lead this game. Always."

She was just about to select her champion when- Mr Kerr: um no.


Hyeri looked at her screen in alarm. "Do we have an asshole here???!!" she abruptly takes her hand out of the chip bag and bangs on the keyboard in rage.

aing-ri: lol no i cALLED IT FIRST

Mr Kerr: actually you got connected last so..

aing-ri: that doesn't mean I still don't get mid

Mr Kerr: calm the fuck down wOMAN

aing-ri: .-. stop whining omggg

Mr Kerr: get off your period i'm sure you suck at mid anyways

"Oh my serious God! Are you seriously going to play the sexist card on me??!" Hyeri grumbled and stuck her hand in for a chip.

She proceeded to type a nasty remark when she accidently bit her finger. It turns out the chip was absent from her fingers after reaching in the bag for them. A form of a habit of angrily biting a chip after a player has insulted her.

"WHAAT? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CHIPS??" she sucked on her throbbing finger as she flipped the empty chip bag upside down. Only a few crumbs escaped out of the bag and onto her keyboard.

"Oh grEAT" Hyeri sighed as he blew on her keyboard to get rid of the army of crumbs within the cracks.

Minah knocked on the door and peered in, "Hey! Sojin said for you to be quiet! She's trying to sleep ya know! And Yura and I can't even hear what they're saying in the drama we're watc-"

Hyeri interrupted Minah mid-sentence by throwing her empty chip bag at her.

"oH NO YOU DIDN'T" Minah stormed over to the electrical outlet and unplugged the computer cord.

Hyeri gasped at the blacked out screen as she pounded on the keyboard once more as if it would her harshly-treated computer back to life.

"Unniiiieeeeeee!!!!!!!!!" Hyeri whined. She fidgets in her seat showing her distressed objection against Minah's recent action.

Minah fumed, "Lee-freaking-Hyeri! You need to stop playing League of Legends at such a late hour! Better yet, just stop playing all together! You're getting too addicted and you're being over-sensitive over this silly game!"

Damn, I was going to fry that Mr Kerr's ass! Hyeri thought as she was too busy panicking over the game to listen to a word Minah was saying.

The older member twirled the cord around, "This game is dumb. You gain nothing from this game! All of the people on here just bully you. The worse part is that you let it get to the best of you! YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT LEE HYERI!"

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