"fate in a bag of Hot Cheetos"

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The flickering lights buzz as Hyeri skips into the store.

The cashier bowed respectfully and welcomed her to the store as she waved back as a kind greeting.

"Ahhh the air-con feels so nice and refreshing!!!" Hyeri spread her arms out and took in the cool breeze emitting from the convenience store.

While humming along to the music provided by the convenience store, Hyeri darted straight for the chips aile. Unnoticed by Hyeri, her untied laces trailed after each step she took. She was too preoccupied by the crippling decision of which chips to purchase to even notice.

The bell to the entrance of the store chimed and the cashier bowed to the high school couple who had entered.

Sehun casually strolled in the store past them. His blarring earphones caused him to nod to the cashier and the beat of the song. He walked towards the drinks section to find the aile the provided alcoholic beverages.

"Honey bear~ I don't know what to get!" the young girl who represented half of the young high school couple beamed at her boyfriend.

The young boy refered to as 'honey bear' was taken aback by her excessive affection and blushed in response when the girl clutched his arm.

"U-Uh I don't know...what do you want?" he sheepily grinned and nervously licked his lips.

Hyeri peered over the shelf full of chips, nodding her head in disapproval. Aigoo what are these youngsters doing here at such a late hour...!

She carried on with her own business and grabbed the seventh bag of chips and threw it in her shopping basket. She was near the end of the aile now. The only thing left on her mental snack shopping list was a bag of Hot Cheetos.

"Excuse me, Miss but aren't you taking too long in this aile?" Sehun appeared next to her with a six-pack of beer in one hand.

Hyeri rolled her eyes, "Does it matter? This aile provides enough space for both of us to roam around in it." She sways her arms to prove a point and accidently smacks Sehun's shoulder.

"Oops." Hyeri covered her mouth.

Sehun scoffed, "Tch, yeah, that's what I meant! I'm carrying a case of beer here and these ailes aren't that big enough for the two of us."

Hyeri glared up at him as a response to the tone he was using.

"Woah there! Calm down, big guy! I'm sorry these ailes aren't huge enough for you!" she raised her hands up in an offended manner. "Seriously though, it's not my fault these ailes can't really 'fit' the both of us!" Hyeri enunciated on the work 'fit' and mocked his tone.

The high school couple gaped at Hyeri and Sehun from afar. The cashier simply yawned as if it wasn't his problem.

Sehun took off one of his earphones as he grumbled, "I wasn't accusing you of anthing!" .

He ran his fingers through his hair in anger and then continued, "The reason why there isn't any room for me to retrieve a few bags of chips to purchase is because you're the 'big' one here!" he mimicked Hyeri's previous statement.

The corner of her mouth twitched.

"oKAY! Now that was rude!" Hyeri scoffed. "That is not how you treat a polite stranger! Especially a girl! You know we can be overly sensitive about our weight!!!" she grumbled and stomped her foot in response.

"wAIT! Did you just call yourself 'polite'? Because according to how I was treated just now, that was definitely not 'polite'!!" Sehun scowled as he took off his other earphone in agitation.

The boy from the high school couple nodded in agreement. He received a slap from his girlfriend which awoken the cashier from his half-state of slumber.

Hyeri scowled, "Says the guy who rudely went off on me about the small ailes! Let me say this again with very 'polite' words: I'm sorry these ailes aren't huge enough for you!!!!"

"Oh wait, now you're calling me 'rude'? In what way is that polite?" Sehun retorted as he stepped near Hyeri to intimidate her. However, it infuriated her even more due to her lacking height.

The cashier suddenly appeared in front of the two, "May you both please calm down, grab anything in the aile to purchase, and proceed to the check-out area where I may scan your items and give them back to you both so you can go home and continue on with this petty fight?!!" he yelled at the last part.

Hyeri and Sehun calmed down.

"Alright fine..." Hyeri sighed. She was disappointed that their argument ended early. She missed her chance in whooping that rude stranger's butt and claiming victory.

She shot one last glare at the guy before scanning the aile for Hot Cheetos.

Sehun glared back at her and muttered, "Ok sure..." Their little dispute ending also ended his chance at humilliating that tiny fat girl at how dumb she was.

Anyways, Sehun was starving and his hyungs gave him plenty of cash to splurge it on chips. He always bought the same brand of chips whenever he came to the store. It was a neccessity to purchase five bags of Hot Cheetos after every visit to the convenience store.

His eyes was locked onto his target on the last bag of Hot Cheetos.

On the other hand, there was only one bag of chips that Hyeri was craving that night. It was Hot Cheetos that brought Hyeri to her unfortunate fate. Triggered by a nasty remark from League, she bit her finger in place of those glorious red cheese bites.

She attempts to snatch it but instead her hands had encountered another hand.

Hyeri's fiery eyes was met with Sehun's piercing eyes.


[ author's note: let's establish the fact that this plot excludes the fact that they are both famous idols. lol i don't think they would be able to enter in convenience stores without that much of attention they were receiving from the sleepy cashier and the blank high school couple. also I would like to point out that this is a super short story so don't mind me! hope you enjoyed it! aND HOPEFULLY THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE THE LAST CHAPTER THUS ENDING MY FIRST SERIOUS YAy. ]

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