Full Disclosure

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At the battlefield on the beach, the Crystal Gems stood in front of the burning wreckage of the Gem Warship and looked out to sea, after Malachite dragged herself into the ocean. Steven is still on his phone with Connie from the previous book.

"That could have gone... a lot worse." Pearl said, before she smiled.

"Could have gone a lot better too." Garnet added.

Garnet looked at the burning broken pieces of the warship scattered all around the lighthouse hill and the Crystal Temple.

"Steven? I got your message. ...Steven?" Connie asked, from the phone. "What happened?"

"We won!" Amethyst cheered, before she grabbed Steven by surprise and twirled him around in joy.

Lion inches in and nuzzles Steven.

"Is that Amethyst?" Connie asked from the phone. "Ah... what's going on? You said that there's some kind of giant space hand and you all may die?"

"Wooohooo! Ye-he-he-he!" Amethyst yelled through the phone and noogied Steven.

Garnet noticed Ezra's still figure and sad expression, that made her place her hand on the teal mage ninja's shoulder in reassurance.

"Don't worry, we will find a way to save Lapis and get rid of Jasper." Garnet said.

"Yeah." Ezra frowned with a nod. "Okay."

"Connie! You're not going to believe what happened." Steven smiled. "Where do I even start?!"

"I see you, P!" Amethyst cheered.

"It's been a madhouse over here." Steven continued.

Lion walked away and leapt off. Amethyst hugged Pearl over-exaggeratedly

"Amethyst!" Pearl scolded. "That's enough celebrating."

Greg then arrived around the corner in his van.

"Huh?" Steven said.

"STEVEN! EZRA!" Greg shouted.

"Dad!" Steven exclaimed, before he turned to Connie on the phone. "Connie I-I have to go. I promise I'll call you back." He hung up his phone. "Dad's back! Dad's back!"

Steven ran towards Greg, while Ezra walked over to them.

"Oh! Thank goodness you're both okay!" Greg said as he hugged Steven and Ezra, tightly. "Mmmmm! I saw the spaceship start to leave and then it crashed so I came back and..." He saw Steven's black eye. "Ohhh... Your eye... But you're okay! I guess those jerks were no match for the Crystal Gems."

"No way, they were super strong!" Steven explained.

"But you were able to beat them back?" Greg questioned.

"No. They totally stomped us!" Steven replied. "This warrior, Jasper, was super beefy and knocked me unconscious. Then they abducted me onto the ship because they wanted to take me away forever. And then we crashed the ship and I almost died!"

"What did they want with you?!" Greg panicked, as he grew increasingly worried.

"They think I'm Mom." Steven answered.

"A-are more Homeworld Gems gonna come after you?" Greg stammered.

"I... uh... I don't know." Steven replied. "Maybe?"

"Steven. I-I'm supportive and very proud of you." Greg said, as he was clearly distraught, before he noticed that Ezra hadn't said a word or reacted to the news at all. "Ezra, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but..." Ezra replied. "...I lost the girl."

"Kiddo, sometimes different aliens are hard to fight back." Greg sighed, as he placed his arm around him. "Maybe some music will help you out. Come with me."

Ezra in Beach City (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now