17. The Decision

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Tae and Jisoo have a small date at the park. They didn't go to the university. They took a day off and celebrating Jisoo's birthday.
But something is missing.

The whole day Tae is behaving differently. Jisoo noticed it how her boyfriend is being quite like he is in a deep thought. He is not like this. He always a naughty boy who say something or do something naughtily to make Jisoo's blush. But today he is really silent.

After a while tae and Jisoo decided to go home. So Tae is dropping Jisoo at her house. But she didn't except she thought he will take her in his house and spend their beautiful night together. But no.

I think he is very tired.

"Bye Tae see you tomorrow and you look really tired. Rest well "and she just kissed his cheeks and going to open the car door. But Tae got her hand and pulled her,kissed her lips softly and passionly like it is their last kiss. Then Tae broke the kiss and took a long breath and kissed her forehead. He take her hand and slowly caressed the ring that the symbol of their relationship with his thumb. He took deep breath like he is make a decision.

"Sooya I think this is the right time to say."

He licked his lips then continued

"I want to break off our relationship " Jisoo widened her eyes.

"Tae this is not funny"

"Jisoo I'm not joking, i want to break off this relationship for our sake" hearing this Jisoo's eyes are watered she is in the urge tears.

"Why.."but tae cutted.

"Sooya I have insecurities in our relationship and I have a doubt that I'm being selfish and rude "

"Tae I didn't understand what are saying and why you have insecurities "she asked her tears slowly come down from her eyes.

"I always have doubt for you and Jimin's friendship. When I saw you and him together I always think that you two have a feelings for each other it's not me the whole world would think that. But you remember when I asked you and Jimin's relationship at the library, and you said you two are not lovers but friends. That time I relieved. But now we started dating I don't think so you two are just friends and you have feelings for each other, but you didn't understand. That's my insecurities. So I tried to separate you and Jimin. But now understand I can't. And if I continue like this, our relationship will turn to toxic." After hearing this Jisoo's eyes widened. All this time her Tae is thinking like her and her best friend's relationship and having insecurities.

"Tae I'm sorry for making feel like that and you don't have to be insecure. We are best friends nothing more, please Tae don't break up with me" she cupped his face and pleaded. But he remove her hand and his eyes also getting watered.

"Sooya please understand this. I know you love me but I think that it just an affection. It's the right time to break our relationship. So We don't have regret in future". Then tae take the ring from her ring finger. Jisoo shook her head as no. But he didn't listen to her.

"Bye Jisoo, take care and don't cry. Okay" Jisoo didn't hear anything she went out the car and ran in her house.

Tae sighed and looked at the ring. Tears slowly come out from his eyes.

I'm sorry Jisoo. I hurt you and also me. But I think that this is right decision. After yesterday I understood that he is important person in your life more than me. I maked you happy. But he maked and make you double happy. I'm a selfish possessive man who try to separate to you from him. And I know this will be pain and you will cry, but don't worry it will take one or two days to come out from this pain and he will be there to wipe your tears and you will understand your love for him and he is also. I don't know what will happened to me. But this is the right decision for you, for Jimin and for myself.

The flashback of yesterday

Tae is really excited cause tomorrow is his loves birthday. This is her first birthday since they became a couple. He planed to surprise her to taking a beautiful date and giving her beautiful gifts.

At the time for wish her, he called her. But she didn't pick. He again called her, but no. He is really worried as something happened to her, she is not like this she pick up his call after one or two ring even if she is asleep.

He can't take this he took his car key and went to her house.

He know it's pretty late and he can't disturb their sleep. But he can't he is really worried about her as hell and he rang the bell.

After two or three ring someone open the door.

"Jisoo are yo.." He stop after seeing the person. It's her mother who is looking at him with half opened eyes.

"Tae, son what are doing here at this hour"
She confused at his arrival.

"Sorry aunty, i didn't mean to disturb your sleep. I'm here to look to Jisoo. She is okay she didn't take my calls" he is really worried.

"Oh don't worry son she is okay and it's her birthday, so Jimin take her somewhere like always. I think that she didn't take her phone with her" That's it Tae's worried eyes turned into dark. But he can't show his jealousy side to jisoo's mother. So he just fake smiled at her.

"Oh I see "

"Son I apologize for her immaturity "

"Hey it's okay aunty and I'm also sorry for disturbing your sleep. I'm going"

Then he went out from her house. He is fuming in anger, jealousy .
Then he waited for her at his car. But he slowly fell asleep.

After awhile he wake up hearing some sound. Then he looked at the there. There his lover and her best bestfriend. Her best friend is spinning her. The two of them laughing. They didn't noticed his car and they are there own world.

He looked at them. But this time not only jealousy but also hurt. He don't want to ruin their moments so he drove off his car.

After that he is thinking that and then he made his decision.

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