19. The date

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The next day

Jimin is ready to go his best friend's house.

"Where are you going?" He turned his back and his parents there. He is confused at their question. Before they haven't asked him such a question. But he shrugged at the thought and replied

"At Chu's house to see her"

"Oh you can but not now"

"Huh what you mean?"

"Son, today night we arranged a romatic date for you guys. So you can see her at night.." Jimin didn't let his mother to complete her sentence.

"What, a romantic date with Chu. Are you guys crazy or something"he yelled at her.

"Yaa Park Jimin don't talk to your mother like that" his father yelled at him.

"Then what can I do. First Chaeyoung, now you guys. Why can't you understand that We are best friends for god's sake. And for your information chu already have a fiancé "

"Jimin he already broke off their relationship and.." Jimin again cut her.

"What he broke off their relationship, why. Oh no chu needs me " now Jimin is worried about his best friend.

"Yeah she need you but not as a best friend but as man and she already agreed today's date" after hearing that he looked at his parents with a blank expression. Then asked.

"Did she agreed "

"Yes, please agree son. Just for your sake. Figure out your feelings for her. Please.."


"Wow dear, it will be great" his mother kissed his cheeks then took her phone to call someone.

"Son don't worry, this the right decision. Just give a chance to your heart to understand your feelings "his father gave him a thumps up.

Jimin blankly walk into his room and sat his bed.

Right decision Huhh Chance to understand my feelings. And you already agreed. I didn't except that our friendship will turned like this. Now I'm confused not about my feelings but yours.

Time Skip

Jisoo dressed for the date and went towards her parents. Then her mother spoke

"What are you wearing? Are you going on date like this?" Her mother looked at top to bottom. Jisoo is wearing baggy shirt and pant.

"But mom chim is like this.."

"Dear you going on romantic date not a friendly date. Just wear a girly dress. So he will see you as a women"

"Come with me " her mom pulled jisoo to jisoo's room and picked a dress that is up to her thighs.

"Here, wear this it will be good"

"But mom."

"Don't mom to me, just wear " she take the dress from her mom's hand and wear it.

"Don't mom to me, just wear " she take the dress from her mom's hand and wear it

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Jisoo looked at the mirror. Then something pop up her mind. When she is going to a date with tae she wear this kind of dress. She just sight at her thought. She really miss him.

Why my life is this way. And why Jimin accept. I thought he will refuse but why. If he have any feelings for me..

On the other side

Jimin is also ready then he took his bike and went towards the door. But his father stop.

"Son take this"he looked at his father's hand. It is a car key.

"What is this"

"This is my car key. Take the car and enjoy your first date"

"But I don't want to and chu loves bike more than car"

"Yaa don't be stubborn and don't forget that, this is your romantic date"

He annoyingly took the key from his father and went to where the car parked.

"Enjoy your date son" his mother shouted.

"I hope it just go well" his mother said.

"Don't worry baby it will"his father hugged his mother.

"You know I really dream about their wedding " she said and her husband just hummed.

Jimin reached his best friend's house. He saw the whole family is waiting for him at her entrance.

 He saw the whole family is waiting for him at her entrance

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Jisoo also looked at car with a shocked.

The two friends thinking same Do he / she have feeling.

Until their eyes meet each other.

They talk through their eyes like it's not like what they seeing. Jimin's mad face turned in calm. He can sense the sadness in his best friend through her eyes.

Jimin went out the car and opened the door for Jisoo. She get in to the car. Her mother and father smiled at their sweet moment.

"Enjoy your date guys" her mother said.

"And take your time " and father also said.

The whole ride is silent. This is the first they had silence between them. They have a lot to say and ask to each other but they took silence over talk.

They reached the restaurant and went out of from the car. Jimin asked the waiter to the booked seat where their parents arranged. The waiter took them their and placed their orders at the table.

Again they sit in silence. No one is ready for a talk. They can feel the awkwardness and uncomfortable.

But then finally Jimin spoke.

"I can't take this anymore"

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