12.The Propose

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Jimin is waiting for tae ,because tae told him that he want to meet Jimin . Then he saw tae is coming towards him . Jimin wave his hand to grab Tae's attention. Then tae saw him and he also wave back.

"Why did you call me?"Jimin can't hide his curiosity.

"Yaa I will tell you that. But first can you order something." Then Jimin order his and Tae's food. They started to eat.

"Mmm Jimin, I want to your help"Jimin looked at him confusedly. Then Tae continued.

"I want to your help to propose Jisoo "that's it Jimin chocked his food. Tae gave water.

"Are you okay"

"Yaa I'm okay. But why did you want to propose her. You know it's too early for a marriage. You two are very young. You know chu want to achieve her dreams.."Jimin is going to continue but Tae cut him.

"Yaaa stop. I know. But the proposal is not for marriage.." But Jimin interpret him.

"What you mean, if isn't for marriage then for what?"he again asked.

Tae looked at him in disbelief.

"Can you please hear what I want to say stop interpret me" Jimin give him a cheesy and nodded his head.

"It's for marriage but not now"Tae bit his lips and continued."It's I want her more than a girlfriend. Like I want to tell everyone that she is my fiancée "

"I didn't understand you. What is your problem "

"Mmm Jimin you know Jisoo is so beautiful and cheerful. I have insecure like she is going to leave me. As a girlfriend that's easy but if she is my fiancée then I'm not going to allowed that"

"Ooh so are you saying that my chu is going to leave. Don't worry she really loves you and she is not going to do that" Jimin assured him.

"I know that. But if someone tried to take her away from me"

"Yaa don't say like anyone is going to take her. I promise you"Jimin have no idea that Tae is referring him.

After a while tae and Jimin talked the plan for the propose.
"You know Tae she choose simple more than luxurious. She always say that simple is the best. So that you can make a simple date or a night ride or taking her the park. She really love this kind of things."

"Thanks Jimin I will do that. You did a great job for me "

"It's not a big job. If you want know anything related to Jisoo then ask me. I know her more than herself"
(if jendukkie hear this she will kill me😸)

After that Tae make a small dinner date at a sea side and called Jisoo.

She comes there she got surprised, she really like it. Then Tae give her a back hug. He slowly take the box from his pocket and whisper in Jisoo's ear.

"Hey My beautiful girlfriend I know I'm being too cheesy and flirty, but that's only for you dear. And also I know it's too early to do this but don't worry i will give you time to achieve your dream" Tae broke the hug and come in front of her. Jisoo looked at him confusedly.

"Kim Jisoo will you be my wife". That's it, she understood what he say. Then she nodded her head.

"Yes Mr. Kim Taehyung "

Tae happily put the ring in her finger.

"Don't worry sooya, I know that you're not ready for a marriage at this age and am also. So we can wait. But now I want to tell the world that you're my soon to be wife"
She hugged him tightly at his words.

"Tae can we make a small dinner party. Just for our friends"

"We can"

Hi guys🤗.
Sorry,It's have been a while I update.
I hope you enjoyed this story.
Just a spoiler the next chapter you will get a jelly bear.

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