What #40

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Decans: *farts on orange jello*

Decans: hey Toby can I borrow your pen?

Toby: why

Decans: I'm gonna write orange on the orange jello

Toby: ok?

Decans: *writes I farted on this*

Decans: here you go-

Toby: what did you write

Decans: I farted on this-

Toby: what-

Decans: *puts on our share table*

Random kid: *grabs the jello and puts it back*

Other kid: *grabs the jello tells the lunch aid and walks to seat*

Leila and Toby: *laughing that Leila touched the fart jello*

Other kid: *starts eating the fart jello*

Decans: *walks past the kid and farts on him*

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