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Name: David Errta
Age: 18
Human Gender: Male
Bug Gender: Hermaphrodite
Species: Human/Bug Hybrid

Body Description:

Head: A Dragon-like bone mask covers the face with two eye holes for sight and just above in the place of the eyebrows are two holes with an antenna like that of a Honey Bee. Below are two thin holes on the end of the snout, acting as a nose. The outer edges of the jaw have teeth which remain completely visible even with the jaw closed, a moveable lower jaw with a tongue allowing for speech and eating prey whole or in chunks.

Torso: A wide, pitch-black body with two breasts made of a fat-like material on the upper chest that holds in a majority of the heat absorbed and regulates it throughout the body. The torso has a flexible chitin to allow for human-like turning.

Arms/Hands: Chitin from the torso continues all the way to the hands which have four claws with a shorter, but wider claw, acting like an opposable thumb.

Crotch/Thighs: A Vagina and Penis rest on the crotch area. The thighs do not have chitin to make the cock and vagina easier to access.

Legs/Feet: Chitin covers the entirety of the legs. Much harder armor covers the feet and shins, unlike the more flexible chitin of the torso, allowing for more comfortable movement through rough terrain.

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