Chapter 1

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I sat in the school bus, buckling my seat as another day ended in Oklahoma, the hot temperatures were quite unbearable in April, and it wasn't helped by the fact I kept wearing the same blue jacket. There were only twenty days until Summer Break. Summer Break was something I could look forward to.

I was not a fan of group projects, considering I have a D in History. At least it is still a passing grade, High School is sometimes a blessing in disguise, only sometimes.

I looked over to my right to see Christain who is a friend of mine. He is a little taller than me, I'm pretty short but I don't really care all that much about being short, to my left, where Matthew was supposed to be, he wasn't, he had to go to Grace to make up for his missed days of school.

despite being gay in the sexuality department Matthew is a good friend, you just have to ignore the stereotypes and hate they give those kinds of people.

I'll focus on my Chromebook instead. Or not, the battery is pretty low, like 3%, it only has like 43 minutes left which should be expected after using it all day for my online assignments. Ever since School has switched to online it has gotten easier to cheat but harder to have the motivation to do work, I just want to go home and play some Wonderlands or maybe revisit my 112% Hollow Knight file. I mean, there is nothing wrong about Team Fortress 2, except maybe the toxicity or the bots, I'll skip TF2 today. I already spent months getting around 400 kills with the Candycane, and people say I did it with strange server farming, people just can't appreciate hard work can they, or maybe I'm just making excuses for myself. It's not like I spent four hours on a 2Fort server getting kills with only the Equalizer taunt kill and ending up with 41 kills compared to the uhhh 200 or so deaths.
I'll play some Wonderlands then Hollow Knight. I think that's what I'll do, I'm just gonna close my Chromebook, I should just close my eyes until I get home, I won't go asleep, I know that already because of how loud the bus is. I'll just be here idly until then.

15 minutes later

Looking up from where I sat I was nearly home, just one turn to the left and I can be dropped off to play some Video Games. It was always the same route but the same thought always went into my head 'Just stop here and I'm outta here'. As I thought that the bus stopped, I picked up my stuff and walked out of there, going into a power walk as I walked home, going up the concrete stairs I opened the knob and got greeted by Lucy and Philly, Lucy is a small female chihuahua, and Philly is a large male bullpup, despite how big philly is he is just a big child. Neither of them has bitten anyone except for Lucy, but that was because John actually managed to provoke her that badly, though he kind of deserved that, but other than that one time they are innocent.

I leaned down to pick up the small Lucy as I raised her onto my shoulder and started petting her. Lucy stretched her neck to reach my face, but I'm not a big fan of my face getting licked. Setting her back down I sat down to take off my shoes, setting them neatly by the doorstep as I walked from the living room to the kitchen, opening the fridge to snag some leftovers before I went into the room I shared with my sister, she is far from the best sister and I kinda wish she hadn't existed, but life has many mistakes, if only I had the bravery to say those kinds of things out loud. Taking off my backpack and charging my Chromebook for tomorrow I went into my parents room where the computer is. I switched the HDMI to 2 and got on the PS5, Booting up Wonderlands I got on my level 32 Stabbomancer/Clawbringer who I had made to look like a cat person but only because I went for a speed-based build, I always liked going fast in these Borderlands games, though Borderlands 3 was kind of bad, as I still preferred Borderlands 2 much more even with the new mechanics.
 I farmed the Mushroom boss in Driftwood for a while because I just wanted some good legendaries. When I beat the game I'm going to change my multiclass to the Graveborn because I lack self-healing, but the fact that with all the skills I have I can just move at almost 170% of my normal running speed is ridiculous but also just amazing, though a majority of the speed does come from the Peg Leg, a legendary item which when you hit an enemy with it increases your movement speed by 30% and your reload speed by 40% for 10 seconds, my poor Fatemaker, basically being forced to go at unrealistic speeds for a human, too bad this is D&D where nothing is really all that realistic, I mean every turn in combat is basically 6 seconds, what if you had to make a decision in 6 seconds of what you wanted to do or your turn is skipped? Ew, probably not, that would be a really cringe house rule that I think only people who hate themselves would want to deal with.
Landing the final kill with my Dahlia Pistol I stood there looking up a little as the loot poured out like a fountain and then I hear a familiar but happy sound, *pling!* It had been like a mix between the ping of an M1 Garand and a bell that was tapped softly by a spoon. Flying up and out of the corpse of the body is a shiny, enticing orange glow all borderlands players are familiar with.
Running to the corpse with a few seconds of the speed boost from the Peg Leg, I looked at the Hyperius Submachine Gun called 'Wizards Pipe', it is a poison Hyperius SMG with a Ward capacity of almost 750. Holding square to equip the weapon I fired a whole clip and occasionally a green ball of poison flew out randomly, but with it dealing 97 damage per shot it was not too enticing to use, to say the least, since the Mushroom Boss only had health bars for Ward, Flesh, and Bone.
Taking other Epic and Rare items off the ground and marking them as trash to sell I quit out and swapped to Hollow Knight, no point to insert a disc since it had been installed digitally, I know this game very well, since I had been doing many Steel Soul runs recently, the only problem bosses for me are the Mantis Lords and the Hollow Knight itself, although the Mantis Lords are optional I need the Mark of Pride for the range.
Honestly I just need to install an entire map of Hallownest on my phone and just start routing for my things. I think the best endgame build for me is gonna be Fragile Strength, Mark of Pride, and Quick Slash, which costs 9 notches, that is gonna be a pain to get, maybe I should remove Quick Slash from the route? I'll think about it when I get some sleep. It's only 6PM though, and I normally go to sleep at 9, I mean tomorrow is a three day weekend so I think I can sleep early, I just don't get enough sleep really, sometimes I wish I can just be in a Video Game, imagine walking around in Hallownest, or Shooting Bandits in Borderlands 2, to be honest that would be my equivalent of a wet dream, not like the dreams I have ever had are weird enough, had one around 2 months ago where I got vored by a dragon and I do say, getting eaten whole is actually pretty nice but also a little terrifying.
My imagination is pretty vivid, I can imagine just about anything as long as I have a good enough description, sad part is that by closing my eyes I can make myself horny by just imagining myself fucking a female or male character from a Video Game. Heh, imagine that, making myself bust a nut by creating disturbingly realistic environments in my head that only I can see, I am literally busting a nut to my own thoughts, I don't know if that is sad or impressive, likely both. Climbing into bed, I laid down, pulling my soft covers me, silently yawning. I pulled my covers over myself and closed my eyes, sleep immediately took me in like a nice old couple taking in an orphaned child.
Waking up everything felt immediately different, everything is dark, but not as in lighting but as in the color. Looking down at myself the first thing I noticed is that my penis is bigger by maybe an inch or two which is pretty nice.
Looking at my arms they are black and have bright white claws at the end of them. Counting, I still have all five of my digits. I touched my upper chest, I noticed something is wrong immediately. I have breasts, I put both of my clawed hands over my breast and started fondling them. The fat felt really soft, for this being the first time I felt breasts, they felt pretty soft and warm, much warmer than the rest of my body in fact, though I never thought that if I ever touched breasts they would be my own.
I wonder, If my penis can erect long enough I could prob- no, I should figure out the rest of my body before I think about titfucking myself. But I am curious about something, bringing a single claw to just below my penis, I in fact did not have balls, but it did bring up something else that definitely brings up more questions than answers.
I closed my thighs immediately around my clawed hand as I felt it touch something sensitive. It was like touching a part of my body with many nerves and veins, it was so sensitive it caused a sharp pain, and pleasure. I think I already know what this is, I have a Vagina! Pulling my claw out of my ravine (what I'm gonna be calling my Vagina because fuck it, why not?). Despite feeling pain there was no blood on the end of my white claw, just some clear liquid which definitely came from my ravine, no doubt.
Testing to see if my face had changed it was way different than before, my face felt like that of a dragon, a long snout with two thin holes that allowed me to breathe and smell, two larger, rounder holes that allowed me to see, opening my mouth and rubbing my hands around my mouth I felt some viciously sharp teeth on both my upper and lower jaw, causing me to pull back immediately, putting a single clawed hand in my mouth touching where my tongue should be I felt my tongue, so that means I can taste, reaching up to the top of my head where I thought horns should be. I instead got hit by a very ticklish feeling as my hand slightly moved against a hard, almost fleshy surface, this ticklish sensation caused me to release a small laugh, I hadn't laughed in quite a while and to say I didn't want to laugh more would be a lie, but I wanted to know what I had been touching.
Slowly, I moved my hand to touch what I had been touching that tickled me, when I felt a slight tickle, I moved down until I touched my head, then up slowly as I tried to figure out what the thick object that is connected to my head is, what I figured out is that there is hair there, but not like the hair humans have, I'm honestly glad because my hair grew way too fast, this was much more sensitive hair, like that a bug would have, so anything that is a bug... Wait, what if it is an antenna? That's the only thing they can be at this point, though I won't be able to know what kind of bug they belonged to unless I found something reflective like a puddle or lake of water.
Touching my sides they felt pretty wide, not wide enough to be fat, but pretty average I guess? Looking around, the place is all kinds of shades of black, looking behind me a great cliff stood, with a balcony?
Looking forward, this place seemed almost familiar, like I had been here countless times. Going down the gravelly path, I found a broken and dusty sign on the ground that I couldn't read at all. This sign stumped me for a while until I decided to touch it, immediately something projected above the sign like a text box and in the box it read 'Dirtmouth'. From this I concluded that I must be in Hollow Knight, the game that I had been playing before going to sleep early. Was this a dream or was this reality? Closing my eyes I thought about holding a gun, a pistol, I imagined how it worked, every little piece that went into it, how it was assembled, and I imagined it in my clawed hand. Opening my eyes I saw nothing in my hand, there was no gun, just my claws gripping around a gun that doesn't exist. So this is real, well that throws a nail in my plans, many nails in fact, getting stuck in the cogs of my plans. Since I do not know how far the Knight has progressed, I will have to look around for clues, going farther down the path, up ahead I spotted the town of Dirtmouth, as if I had been hit by something I realized I was naked, which I really should have noticed sooner, but hey, rather late than never.
Going behind some debris away from Dirtmouth I gripped my penis and pushed down until it just disappeared, leaving a flat area where it once was, I tried the same but with my ravine and it disappeared when I closed it, leaving a flat surface where it once was like my penis, now that I managed to hide it completely how do I show it? I gripped at where my penis had been and gently pulled, my penis reappearing where it had been left, after seeing this I just made it disappear again, at least I can hide my indecencies, my breasts really don't need to be hidden, how was I so comfortable with my breasts just being there for everyone to see? I mean, looking at the logic, the bugs likely don't know what breasts are, so the likelihood they don't know breasts are reproductive organs is 99.99% in my books.
Going back out from behind the debris I headed back towards dirtmouth, walking towards Sly's shop I saw it had been opened, so that means the Gruz Mother is dead. Compared to me though, I am a bit taller than the door so I would have to crouch down a little to get inside, including my antenna. I might have to crouch down more depending on sensitivity. Looking to my right I see Elder Bug staring at my tall figure, it is kind of difficult to not get noticed when you are tall, no big surprise there.
Me and Elder Bug looked at each other a while before I walked ahead of where he stood and to the bench where I sat off to the side so that anyone that wants to sit beside me can. Maybe the Knight will come from the well or just drop in, since when I controlled him I liked to Crystal Dash from Crystal Peaks right into the well or onto the bench. As I thought that I heard a sound familiar to me as surprise surprise, the Knight fell from the sky to the right of the bench, falling next to the Lumafly post and sitting on the bench right up against the right side of my chest, the Knight must've noticed they were right up against my chest when they felt something up against them. I and the Knight looked at each other on the bench. The Knight got off the bench immediately after our little moment and walked in front of me, both of us entering a moment of silence before I broke it by greeting it.
"Hello little Knight, I'm Avvi, nice to meet you." That was just a name I came up with from the top of my head, well since I said that was my name I gotta roll with it now.

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