∆ Chapter 2 ∆

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Raping a God in her own Realm

I don't know how much I ate but I cannot eat any more than I have already. It would be best if I go back to the safety of Dirtmouth. Standing up from my slouched position I walked to the chain and grabbed it but then...

Before I became this hybrid my Upper Body strength was laughably bad, I could barely do a pushup but I was remarkably good at Beat Saber, maybe I could use those skills to wield a Nail. Getting back to the matter at hand I just have to hope I can climb the chain.

Grabbing the chain I just prayed as hard as an Atheist could without officially becoming religious and started climbing slowly and carefully, putting one arm in front of the other as I climbed upwards, to say my new claws didn't help would be like saying the Halocaust didn't happen. It's just a straight-up lie.

Reaching the top of the Well I let go with my claws and grabbed the ledge, pulling myself up to the ground and man I am exhausted. That has got me breathing heavily. Getting off the ground I walked slowly to the bench, not in a dramatic way but in the "I just got done running around all day and now my legs are tired" kind of way.

I didn't bother to sit on the bench as I slouched my body onto the bench, my legs and feet hanging off and touching the ground as the rest of my body either hung off or laid up on the bench. I needed to rest after eating all those tik-tiks and whatever.

I closed my eyes and everything went black.




Before it went white.

Opening my eyes I find myself on a really fucking familiar platform.

"Fucking Radiance, I wonder what Moth God tastes like." I muttered to myself as the Sun in the sky got closer. I'm in a Dream so I can't die in real life unless the Radiance has got some kind of power like Freddy Krueger.

The Sun eventually got close enough and turned into the one, the only, the Radiance.

"Hello lost one, I see you are in heat and you have no mate, I can offer you one if you become one of my followers, accept my deal and I will offer you your mate." The Radiance spat out her bullshit out of her non-existent mouth and it honestly pissed me off, I know to never trust the Radiance. So I'm Going to do a Charles and-

"I'M THE BOLD ACTION MAAAAAAAN~" I sung loudly as I leaped towards the Radiance.

At first the Radiance thought I was going to accept her offer until I bit into her fluffy moth fur and I gotta say, Fluffy Moth God tastes neutral, no bad or good taste. I clung to the Radiance as she shook around attempting to get me off as I dug my claws into her Moth body, Eating away at her flesh like a Piranha.

"GET OFF OF ME!" Radiance had yelled in her godly voice, obviously angry that I a Mere mortal had managed to overpower her in her own realm.

The Radiance spun around like a Beyblade trying her hardest to remove me from her body, I was not going to let up until I ate my fair share of the Moth God. In this moment I am clung to her head, eating her head which I managed to finish off.

Then I was finally flung off of the Radiance and I landed on the platform, the Radiance faced towards me and I got to see my work.

I had eaten like 26% of the God of dreams.

"You! You shall die for attacking me in my own Realm!" The Radiance shouted furiously it make me chuckle, then it turned into a laugh I made sure she could hear.

"What do you think is so funny!" The Radiance was royally pissed now, which just made it funnier, time to put the "Finisher" on top.

I imagined the Radiances' Body being restored and her tied up in unbreakable chains, I had gotten horny from the thought of violating the God of dreams in her own Realm.

I heard the Radiance scream as she was chained to the same platform I was on, it was now or never.

"Radiance! I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU MY BITCH!" I declared.

I walked towards the Radiance as she hopelessly struggled in the chains. Climbing on top of the Radiance I moved my hands around her body until I found what I was looking for.

Making my Penis reappear I started fucking the Radiance, my Penis penetrating her Vagina as I thrusted my hips, I was in the mood now and I wasn't letting her go.

"You're mine now, and I'm going to fill you to the brim!" I yelled as I slowly thrusted myself into the Radiance, Increasing in speed when I imagined what it would look like if I filled her Moth guts with cum.

It went like this for 15 minutes before I felt myself reaching my climax, I slowed myself to a halt, not wanting myself to cum too early, I wanted the moment to last. I felt my climax retreating back into my balls, I masturbated slowly in order to keep my dick hard and when I was ready I started up again, thrusting slower than before and then after awhile I almost reached my climax again and I opened the flood gates, unrealistically large amounts of cum filled the Radiance, her belly inflating like a balloon and she kept filling and filling. The entire moment I was in pure bliss, and then I ran out of Cum. When I snapped out of my state of bliss the Radiance was still chained up, her belly still inflated with my cum and I got up and climbed over the mess I made with her belly.

"You're my *huff* bitch now..." I whispered to the Radiance as I looked into her eyes which displayed absolute terror in them.

"Also, *huff* one more thing." I said as I pulled out a blue popsicle and started rubbing it all over the face of the Radiance, the Popsicle started melting a little bit later and getting into her fur, my Penis started getting hard again so I shoved it back into my crotch and kept rubbing the melting Popsicle all over the Radiance.

The entire time I had been breathing heavily which I didn't notice until now. I was completely exhausted from absolutely dominating the Radiance, but I wanted to do one last thing with the Radiance before I leave to get some milk.

"All that mating has made me hungry..." I looked down at the Radiance who was still terrified and I gave her a wink. "And I know the perfect meal..." The Radiance feared me at this point and I was about to do a Reverse Praying Mantis on her with the Male eating the Female instead of the other way around.

starting from her head I opened my jaw and started swallowing the God of Dreams herself. My body stretching to unrealistic proportions to consume the Radiance, she would've never guessed this outcome in a million years. I swallowed her body, I kept gulping and I never stopped until I finished her. My belly bulged with the body of the Radiance contained inside me.




Waking up from the Realm of dreams I felt relieved, not because I was out but because I know I would never be invited there again after last time. And then it hit me. I had just RAPED a god. That was not good, what if she comes back and absolutely obliterates me like Freddy Krueger?

Radiance POV (After getting raped)

The Radiance laid down on the platform curled up in a ball. Tears of Soul dripped out of the eyes of the Radiance, she was scared, she didn't know what to do, she wanted to cry, she wanted to no longer exist.

The Radiance had gone through the most traumatic experience of her entire life as a god. She had been scarred forever. She had lived for Centuries but she had-

The Radiance sobbed and cried.

Authors Note: Rape is very bad and harms the minds of victims worse than you think. Victims of rape can suffer from PTSD, extreme stress, trauma, anxiety, and many other symptoms that are very harmful to their well-being.

Avvi was very aware of what he did could mentally scar the Radiance for life but he continued because he thought that because it was a dream that there would be no consequences to him doing what he did.

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