Chapter 3

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To Where? To find who? pt 1

Maybe I was just overreacting a little. It was just a dream after all, you can't die in a dream because you would just wake up immediately, it is the same thing that happens in the dreams where you are falling and just before you hit the ground you wake up.

Getting out of my slouched position, sitting up, and checking myself thankfully my body didn't physically move in the real world, it would be awkward and difficult to explain that I had just made the source of the Infection my bitch without at least a few confused bugs wondering what the hell I was talking about.

So what do I do now? I have no idea what I could do next, maybe Black Egg Temple? No, too much infection and I don't want to breathe any of that in, I would like to avoid death by Orange Puss. Maybe City of Tears? I am contemplating it with the fact I am quite deadly in close quarters but that IS the problem. City of Tears is a very open area with enough airspace for flying bugs to be guards and those guards are armed with lances that have much greater range than my claws, so no. Hive, Abyss, and Basin are an obvious no.

That just leaves Howling Cliffs, Greenpath, and Queens Gardens.

I have a fear of heights and other than Gorb and a Nailmaster nothing there is too enticing about Howling Cliffs.

Greenpath has considerably sized pools of acid, Hornet, the Moss things with Shields, and a Schrodinger's Zote.

Queens Gardens has the flying Mantis bastards, Thorns, and the White Lady. I'll wait for the White Lady, I can meet her later down the line and have my time with her but it is just too dangerous without a Nail or some kind of weapon with range to it.

Greenpath it is! the other two options are either too dangerous or are too boring to be worth my time and safety. So I will be meeting Hornet in Greenpath, hopefully I won't just be immediately jumped because it would be a shame to tear Ghosts sibling to shreds just to survive, but if I kill Hornet then Ghost either just dies when trying to get the King's Brand or we all die because Hornet isn't there to stun the Hollow Knight.

So if I fight Hornet just attempt to catch and restrain her, sounds easy on paper but I doubt it would be that easy to catch a fast Spider wielding a blade which I don't know the sharpness of. I would make a Minecraft joke saying that her Needle has sharpness level 255 but I am not sure if that enchantment could go on a Needle, maybe Piercing because Needles seem to be for precise strikes.

Getting off the Bench I headed down the Well to sort out breakfast and Greenpath, but Breakfast first because I prefer to eat knowing what I am consuming is safe for me. Tik-tiks should start becoming scarce soon because I have been hunting here for a few days. But no, they are still patrolling in the same spots as before, well I can't complain about easy food.

After I fill up on Tik-tiks I'm gonna go to Greenpath and I will do whatever... I guess. Yeah! I am going on an expedition to hunt and capture a Hornet!

The day when the Hunter becomes the hunted.




Holy Hell is Greenpath more beautiful than it was in-game, and that was with PS5 graphics! Acid should be easy to avoid if I take my time and plan my jumps- wait I never really tested how high I could jump. As a normal Human my jumps were weak as was any other Human, what if my jumps got stronger when I went into this new body? Only one way to find out!

I crouched down as low as I could and jumped as hard as I- *thunk* I hit my head on the ceiling which hurt quite badly by itself but my antenna just multiplied it, but to be fair it is a relatively low ceiling. I did definitely jump higher than I could as a Human so my legs are stronger? Or am I lighter than before? I will never know!

Getting up off the dirt and on my feet I headed directly towards the arena where Hornet is normally fought but one problem was immediately apparent. My Parkour skills suck, even with my sharp claws it is difficult but possible to climb up walls, they honestly might be too sharp.




Climbing up to the Stag station I am just exhausted, nothing else, I could barely move, it is so fucking unbearable to climb up so high, fall, and think your life is gonna end because you just fell several feet but then feel relief as you survive and to your relief falling doesn't hurt that much.

That didn't change the fact I am still exhausted and REALLY needed a quick nap, sitting on the bench I closed my eyes and slept.




Oh god not here again, sorry but I would rather not have sexual intercourse with a god again, especially the exact same one, that would be awkward, but if the Radiance was truly scared of me she would never invite me into her dreams again unless she actually liked it and she has some weird ass not normal fetishes like me.

The dream catchers kind of spoiled where I was anyways, you know? Not to be Captain Obvious over here but the dream catchers are kinda the tell that I am in the Dream Realm.

The Radiance came down and then spoke in her godly voice which I didn't really give two shits about.

"Oh so you're back? May we continue where we left off?" WHAT THE FUCK... What THE FUCK, GODDAMMIT THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO MAKE HER SCARED OF ME NOT ATTRACTED!

"What? NO! I did that to make you fear my physical strength! not become attracted to me!" This had better work or-

"Well, after some consideration of what happened I realized you are the one for me! Although biting my head off was a little far~" No, no, NO! I just have to go with this now? Time to do it Highschool DxD style and make a Harem... I didn't ask for a moth god to be my mate I swear! I was just trying to make her fear me then I went too far and fucked up.

Wait I could ask her to ALT+F4 the infection. Seduction Time!

"Well why don't you purge the Infection you created then? It would be a shame if I were to get infected and die, then you wouldn't be able to be with me anymore~" The voice acting was decent...

"I am sorry, but unfortunately, I cannot do that." Oh boy, she is going to be one of those girls, won't do anything unless you offer sex.

"The problem is I did it in a rage so I never came up with a Cure." So that is why? She was so angry she never bothered to make a Cure?

"Do you regret making the Infection?" I have to push her just a little so I can find this out myself.

"A little, since I could've converted them into my followers but now I am almost forgotten, so would you become a follower?" I have no regrets about what I'm about to say.

"I'm sorry but I have an issue with that and that is I'm an Atheist, which means I refuse to worship any Gods even if I have seen the God myself. I may know about the existence of gods but I refuse to devote time to worship them."

The Radiance just floated there, trying to process all I have told her and only one response came.

"Oh, ok. I guess I'm just not good enough for you then." Are you being fucking kidding me? Are you pulling my leg right now?

"I never said you were not good enough, I only said that I don't worship gods. If I weren't devoted to being an Atheist then I would consider but I am completely devoted to my current path of being a Godless heathen."

The Radiance floated to the ground, completely defeated and slumped.

"Well you can enjoy your time thinking about what I just said, I'm just gonna leave now."

So how do i leave a Dream? Because if this is like any other Dream then I can leave by killing myself, or just shutting my eyes tightly?

I shut my eyes and laid down on the platform, If I sleep in a Dream then I should wake up in the real world.




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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