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This is dedicated to Sheri_Dancez!!!! She is sooo cooolio!!!!!!!>_<  oh and you guys should read my storys the Ceeblie and The girl with the Sugar Gliders!!!! Wooooh me be hypo!!!!!



The next night I can walk on my twisted ankle as long as I'm wearing the ace bandage, so we decide to go to Blood Light and investigate. We leave at seven o'clock.  When we get there and go inside, Layla is all ready in there waiting. She comes to us and kisses Willy on the cheek. She looks around and then whispers to us, " Taylor and the pink haired chick are all ready here. I've brought a stylist to disguise us so we can talk to them."

She motions for us to follow her and leads us to the alley behind the club. A girl out there with long blonde hair and alot of red lipstick on meets us. Her name is Candy. She puts a purple wig on me and puts a black drape around me black dress. She also puts black boots on me, to hide my twisted ankle, and alot of dark make-up. Then she sends me in. I walk around and get a cup of blood from a mysterious guy loitering around in the back. Then i go and sit next to Taylor. If gives me the chills to be sitting this close to her, but I can do it.  Luna keeps shooting me glances, probably because she has no idea who I am.  Finally after what seems like the longest time Taylor notices me. " Um, who are you?" she asks me. " Oh, I'm ma-I mean, uh, Madison. Yeah Madison is my name, you can call me Maddi." I start to sweat. I'm am so nervous, where are my brother and cousin? " Oh well hey Maddi I'm Taylor and this is Luna and Mikelo." She gestured to Luna, the ink haired girl, and the really cute boy sitting across from her.  " Hi." I say shyly. Luna waves and Mikelo just stares at me. I clear my throat. I hope Taylor and Luna don't recognize me. 

Taylor leans in to me and whispers in my ear. " Are you a vampire?" she asks me. I quickly nod my head. She lets out a sigh of relief. " Feww! We are too!" She starts to laugh a nervous laugh, then Luna and Mikelo join in so I do to.  Then after making small talk Mikelo asks me to go get a drink with him and I say yes. While we wait for the guy in the back to serve us he says to me, " Um, Madison, I kinda like you." I freeze and slowly look up at him. His head is down and he has his hands in his pockets. " really?" i ask him. he nods his head. I blush furiously. I like him too. I think I should tell him so I do. " I like you too." I say. He looks up at me and smiles widely. " Really?!?" he asks me excitedly. This time I nod my head. He gets his drink and takes my hand in his. WE walk back to our seats hand and hand and we sit together. At the end of the night when they have to leave Mikelo pulls me aside.

"Will you meet me in the park tomorrw night?" he asks me pleadingly. I nod my head.

I can't wait.

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