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This is deicated to  DeirdeStauton!!!! Go read her workkkk!!!!

The next day I didn't talk to anyone. I just layed in my bed and cryed my eyes out. I loved Mikelo so much! And then Josh and Willy decide nto pull a stunt like that? It's just not fair that everything bad has to happen to me! At noon I decided to get out of bed to go eat something. I wrapped the ace bandage around my foot and walked down stairs. Aunt Tori was out shopping and I really don't care where Josh and Willy are.

I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich and sat down on the couch. I turned on the TV and started to watch Teen Mom. I was very engrossed in the show that i didn't notice Josh and willy come in the door. Until i saw Josh being carried on Willy's back howling in pain, blood pouring off his neck. " What happened?!" i shrieked, momentarily forgetting I was angry at them.

Josh gave me a pained expression and mumbled, " Taylor.."   

I looked at Willy and he sighed. " Taylor bit Josh." he whispered. " What?!" I cried. Willy grimaced and layed Josh onto the floor. I started to breath heavily and kneeled beside my brother. " Josh?" I whispered.

He gave a shuddered breath and looked at me. " Yes Mae?" he muttered.

" I love you." i said and kissed his forehead.

" I love you too." he sighed and then passed out.

I stood up and put a hand on my pounding head. " Willy? What are we gonna do?" I said in a hushed tone.

Willy shrugged and went up stairs. " Willy?! Where are you going?" he didn't answer me, just continued ascending the stairs. I sighed and sat with Josh and strated to cry.

A moment later Willy came down with his laptop. he sat next to me and Googled: What to do if you get bit by a vampire. 

" really?" I aksed him but he ignored me. He clicked on and it said: If you get bit by a vampire you need to kill it or you will become a vampire.

" WE have to kill Taylor." he said mater-of-faclty.

" Again!?" i moaned 


We run to the cabin and get the werewolf pack. They sniff out Taylor and Luna while Willy, Layla, and I carry Josh. After a half an hour Owen calls out, " i found them!" We rush over to him and looked won the hill. Taylor and Luna are sucking the blood out of rabbits. WE set Josh down on the ground and run at them.

" So, you've come back, Mae?" Taylor asked me as we approach them. " You bit my brother." I growled. Taylor laughed and eerie laugh. " You are a smart one." she said sarcastically. Suddenly Taylor runs at us and grabs Layla. Layla struggles but Taylor keeps a tight grip on her. " Catch me if you can." she says playfully. Taylor takes off and Luna stands before us. " Layla!" willy calls He runs away and I follow him, while Owen, Drew and Xavier hold Luna back. " I'll kill you!" she screams at me. 

I run up the hill and see Josh getting up. " Josh!" I yell. " I'm fine." he huffs. I grab his arm but he shrugs me off. " I said I'm fine!" he snarls.

I stagger back. This isn't like Josh. He sighs and starts to run after Willy, I follow suit.

  " Willy!" I called. " Willy! Come back! We need you!" but it was to late. willy runs so fast there is no way Josh and I will catch up to him now. Oh God, Luna is gonna kill us. It's to bad Aunt Tori took our cell phones. Its times like these when you really need one. I stopped to rest by a tree until Josh caught up to me. We were both breathing heavy when he caught up and stopped at the tree. Ever since he broke his leg his knee has never been right.  " Are you okay?" I asked him. " Yeah Mae, I'm fine." he said with a nod of his head.  i saw a tear go down his cheek. he is not fine. And, the worst part is, its not his leg that's hurting him. He is turning in to a vampire.


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