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This is dedicated to Infamous!!!! I love her story Dale Creek Hill asylum!!!!!!! Gooo read it chikos/chikasssss!!!!! lol...okay....Here it is...The last chapter!!! Im sooooo excited!!! I was thinking about this book all through writing Ocean Deep. I really feel like I've com a long way and am kinda sad that is story is  over. :'( sob sob! Oh wellzz all great stories must come to an end:) and now is The Countdown's time......Until the epiloge....or maybe a third book;) jk no third book but yes to an epilouge! 

" Josh?" I whispered. My brother.My twin brother, he was gone. Gone forever. Lost to an eternity of being a vampire. Tears started to form in the corners of my eyes as I realized these things.

Josh shakes his head as I look away from him. I hear  Mikelo tell him to hid in the shadows as Willy and I hold down Luna and Taylor. I hear Josh agree silently  and walk away. I wonder if he will ever come out of the shadows again.  I look over at my werewolf cousin to see if he is ready. " Twelve seconds." he says. It is time to start. I look over to make sure Josh and Mikelo are safely hidden. 

Willy and I nodd at each other.

" 12"












And when the sun came up Taylor and Luna burst into flames. Willy and I jumped back so we wouldn't get burned. After everything that has happened, my body can't take it anymore. I collapse into Willy and cry myself to sleep.

When i wake up again it is night and I am in an unfamiliar bed. I jump up and scream Josh's name. " JOSH!" I sit on the bed breathing heavily until my brother comes walking down the stairs, red eyed.

he sits next to me and tenderly smiles. " Hey Mae. How are you feeling?" I shyly smile at him. " Where are we?" I ask him, this is not Aunt Tori's house. " Mikelo's apartment." I nod my head, but all I can think about is Mikelo. " Where is he?" I ask curiously. Josh looks uncomfortable with this question but answers it anyway. " He's out stealing blood from the blood bank. For me to drink." he says. This makes me feel like I'm going to throw up. I look around until I spot the bathroom and run full force to it. I slam the door shut and retch over the toilet.

After minutes of just sitting on the floor, stomach queezy, Josh knocks on the door. " Mae?" he says as he slowly opens it. I opened my tear filled eyes slowly. He grabs some toilet paper and dabs at them. " I'm sorry." he says silently. I shake my head, what does he have to be sorry for? " It wasn't your fault, Josh." i say back. He nods his head, " No. It really wasn't. It was that monster Taylor." he says through gritted teeth. I shake my head at this to and he looks at me, confused, and stops dabbing my eyes.

I sniffle and take a deep breath. " No. No, it wasn't Taylor. It was me. If I had killed Taylor and Luna faster you would have been saved." tears are now pouring down my cheeks. " If i had been quicker." I mumble. Josh gasps and hugs me tightly. I hug him back and cry my eyes out. " It was not you Mae. It was not you." he says soothingly. I close my eyes and let the tears squeeze out on their own. I am quickly lulled to sleep by Josh's murmuring and him stroking my hair.

When I wake up again i am back in Mikelo's bed. Josh and Mikelo are playing Call of Duty Black Ops on Xbox. I sit up and groan, getting the boys attention. They look back at me, see I am awake, and rush to my side. Forgetting all about their game. Mikelo kisses my forehead while Josh just stares at me and smiles. I smile back, as Josh's face starts to lose the smile and get serious. I scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion and he sighs. " Willy hung himself Mae." I gasp and tears start to leak all over again.

" After you fell asleep in his arms he carried you over to us. he said he had to go do something and would be right back. He grabbed Layla and took off in the forest. Mikelo and I stayed where we were. After all day had passed and the sun had set again. Mikelo and I carried you back into the woods to find Willy. The deeper we got we started to feel funny, a bad kinda funny. We found a tree with Willy hanging from a shoelace. Underneath him was a freshly dug grave, with dirt that was written in. It said that Layla was buried in it and Willy's goodbyes saying he simply couldn't live without Layla."

I nodded and said," What did Aunt Tori say?" Josh shook his had sadly. " She said she was going to live in the water with her mermaid friends, as a mermaid forever." I nodded my head and wiped my tears.  I looked up at Mikelo,  my love, and Josh, my twin. " Change me." I said.

They exchanged looks and shook their heads to me. " We could never to that to you, we love you to much. " Mikelo said I shook my heads, I will not take no for an answer. " No, if you guys really loved me you would not want me to be alone forever."

Mikelo sighed and bent down, he bit my neck. The pain was overwhelming so I lay back. " Together forever." he said as he squeezed my hand. I nodded and shut my eyes.

" For eternity." I said.

Josh laughed scornfully. " Trust me, I'll be counting down."

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