Chapter 2: Journey

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Lumine had to take the bowl from the boy before he chocked himself.

He drank a total of 3 bowls with an astonishing pace before she had to stop him from eating more to avoid him from burning his tongue. As she cleaned up, she thought to herself...

I haven't gotten his name yet...

"Hey," Lumine called and the boy looked up, his golden eyes staring, "What's your name?"

"I- I do not have one..." He shyly mumbled.

This surprised Lumine, but she also felt great sorrow for him. For this god he served did not even bother to name him.

She thought for a few moments... beast... winged... short...

Ah! I've got it...

"I can name you," She said with a friendly smile.

The boy huffed to himself and hid his face, "Do what you want."

"Sure thing," Lumine chuckled, "Xiao."



The boy couldn't help but hide his face in a fluster.


He liked the name very much- No, he loved it, something he didn't feel very often. It rolled right off his tongue, and he had to stop himself from saying it out loud too many times.

I have a name now...

I'm Xiao.

That night in the cave, Xiao did something he hadn't done in years, he smiled warmly at the weird- but fond feeling of happiness.


It was early morning and Lumine woke up, greeting the shining sun.

Xiao was still sleeping with a slight smile on his face. Lumine decided to let him sleep a bit more till she had to move locations once more.

Noticing the bedsheet had slipped off him, she first gently covered it back on him, accidentally touching his arm in the process-

Suddenly, Xiao widened his eyes, shot back to the side of the cave and summoned his spear with his mask clutched in the other hand.

"WHO ARE-" He calmed down and relaxed his tensed up muscles after seeing it was only Lumine, who had her hands up in the air and frantically waving her arms.

"PLEASE DON'T HURT THIS MORTAL GIRL!" She pleaded with her hands now clasped together.

Xiao put away his spear and mask by his side. Then looked upon Lumine with apologetic eyes, "I did not mean to- cause trouble like this."

Lumine sighed with relief, "Pheww, I was a bit shocked there, but don't worry about it, Xiao. I know you didn't mean to harm me in any way."

She could guess why he did that, though- it was because he was on his guard at all times, likely from when that evil god or monsters harmed him in his sleep. Did he ever have a peaceful night before?



Xiao was not a stranger to gods and was usually in the presence of them. He'd met more evil gods and helped slay peaceful ones against his will. Xiao was familiar with the energy, power, and presence of them and could even sense it.

That's why he was confused when Lumine described herself as a mortal girl- when she had the energy of a god attached to her. It wasn't complete nor was it enough to make herself one, but it was still there.

Xiao unfortunately knew the answer to what she was.


He couldn't tell what type of curse it was, but it was a powerful and mysterious one. No lower- no, even higher gods couldn't produce this kind of curse. He wanted to ask so many questions. What curse is this? How was she cursed? Who cursed her? How can she be so happy?

Xiao resisted the urge of his curiosity, he had already caused trouble for Lumine and made her take care of him. He barely knew her and couldn't ask for any more.

"So," Lumine said, "Are you hungry? I can make someth-"

Xiao stopped her before she could say anything else, "I've already caused trouble for you, I can't ask for anything else now!"

"You haven't caused me any trouble," She said with sweetness, "In fact, I'm glad to have met you, and to have helped you heal."

How can she be so kind?

"I must do something in order to pay you back," Xiao insisted, he didn't enjoy piling up his debts.

"If you really must, how about you accompany me?" She suggested.

"Accompany?" Xiao asked.

"That's right," She confirmed, "Accompany me on my journey to find an ancient sword."

Lumine's short blond hair fluttered in the wind, her white skirt dazzling in the sunlight.

She raised out a hand for Xiao, "How about it?"


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