Chapter 7: Escape

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Xiao couldn't even react as Lumine plunged the glowing sword into her chest. Crimson blood splattered and she coughed up blood.

"Lumine..?" He could only muster.

Her body laid still as blood poured out.

No no no no no no no...

This isn't what she meant by escaping her fate, is it?

She's not dead.

Not like this.

Slowly, he sluggishly walked towards Lumine, whose blood was spilling on the stone floor like water.

"Xiao," She whispered, causing him to rush over to her side.

"What is it," He urgently asked, hoping for any words to come out of her, "Tell me, please."

She only smiled as her face began to turn pale, "I'm sorry for dragging you into this."

"No, it's fine. You saved me after all." He reassured her.

"I should at least explain some more, right?" She said, coughing up some blood in the process.

Xiao clenched his teeth and held Lumine in his arms, "Tell me anything you want."

"That sword," She clutched the ancient sword's handle, "Is part of my brother's soul."

Xiao patiently awaited what she would say next, "It has a special ability you see..."

"My brother's soul will be reincarnated using my blood."

"And to be able to slay anything, neglecting even curses inflicted by a god." She said, Xiao held her hands tighter, tears stated forming in his eyes, but he held them back.

"Ha..." She sighed with a short laugh, "But I suppose even my curse of immortality, laid upon that god, would still be around."

"What do you mean Lumine?" He asked, knowing that right now would be her last moments, he wanted to spend as much time talking to her.

She gazed upon Xiao, with eyes full of heart, "The god of time laid that curse upon me, though the curse of flames will be distinguished, the curse of immortality will forever go on."

Xiao felt a sense of relief, but sorrow soon overlapped it, "So, you're not going to die? Will you still be with me?"

"I fear that I will still die," Lumine said, Xiao could not hold back tears.

She then smiled, that warm smile he always protected, "Don't cry, Xiao."

Lumine wiped away his tears, "I will die, but my soul will live on."

"I will be reborn, then I can be reunited once more with my brother." She did a weak laugh, an attempt to make Xiao stop crying, or perhaps- allow him to have hope.

Her body and sword began to turn holy yellow, particles formed from her body, like little fairies.

Suddenly, she put all of her remaining strength into one movement.

Lumine grabbed Xiao's face, and kissed him on the lips.

"Know that for as long as my soul lives on," Half of her face was turning into light particles, slowly fading away, "I will love you, Xiao."

With tears still in his eyes, flowing down his cheeks, Xiao kissed her back, "I love you too, Lumine."

"May we both be reunited."



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