Chapter 4: Curse

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"Princess!" The last remaining of the royal knights, Captain Dainsleif called. He came running, his light yellow hair and deep blue eyes, fitted with the strange appearance of star shaped pupils, an attribute only unique to those of Khaenrian blood. He now had dried blood on his armour, and he looked exhausted.

Lumine stood quietly while looking upon her brother's body, so peaceful looking.

"Where is the Pr-" Lumine interrupted him.

"My brother, the Prince, is dead." She stated, but couldn't bare to look at Dainsleif.

"T-this can't be..." He muttered to himself.

"It is the truth," Lumine clenched her fist as she said that.

He fell to his knees, "I have failed to protect this kingdom. The royal knights have been turned into mindless husks, our people have transformed into savage monsters, only the royal family's son, Kaeya, was able to escape."

Lumine stared down on Dainsleif, "Khaenri'ah has fallen, there is no kingdom left here..."

He clenched his teeth, "I know, Princess, I know. Yet I cannot believe that all my Prince and Princess have worked for- is gone. Destroyed by those bastards of Celestia."

"You are resigned from your duties, Dainsleif," She spoke with authority, "Thank you for all you have done for Khaenri'ah, truly. But I don't wish for you to die a meaningless death."

He looked shocked, realizing what Lumine meant, "You want me to, escape?"

She nodded, "Run far away, run till you can no longer see the burning flames that arise from this kingdom."

"I can't just-"

"Leave!" She commanded, and with a regretful look on his face, Dainsleif gave one last bow and left.

Her eyes began filling with tears once again, she couldn't help it as they flowed down her cheek. She sobbed quietly as she witnessed her homeland being engulfed in flames.

"You." A voice of supreme authority boomed. Lumine quickly drew her sword of light.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Lumine commanded, and a figure appeared before her.

Flowing white hair, glowing orange eyes, a scarlet cape trailed behind her, and star shaped symbols were embedded into her clothing. A god.

"I am the sustainer of the Heavenly Principles," She called and Lumine held up her guard against the unknown god.

"The arrogation of humanity ends now," Her voice boomed once more.

Dark red cubes emerged from the god's hands, which she commanded straight at Lumine.

Lumine summoned out her wings and dodged the cubes, left, right, forward, backward, they seemed to be endless.

She attacked the god, but no matter how many times she thrusted her sword, they never hit.

"Foolish," The god mocked and commanded more cubes at Lumine.

This time, she failed to dodge them, and they hit her wings, breaking them as well. She struggled against the cubes that were engulfing her into darkness, while the unknown god simply stared down at her, like an insect they had just squashed.

Before total darkness had covered her, the god spoke once more.

"The curse of wandering the lands forever till time itself runs out,"

"And to never have a home to rest at, to see every single one suffer the same fate of Khaenri'ah."

"Engulfed in flames."

Lumine felt a rush of pain go through her body, a thousand stabs against her body seemed to have been inflicted upon her, but she could not even move to groan in pain.

"May you suffer."

With those final words, Lumine's vision darkened.

And for the next 500 years, would she have to wander the land.


"A curse of immortality and flames." Lumine revealed.

"A curse of immortality...." Xiao muttered to himself. A powerful god must've inflicted that upon Lumine, as such a curse was extremely complex.

But a curse of flames too? Xiao frowned at the thought of 2 curses casted on the same person. Curse of flames were the most simple to create, as the sacrifices for one weren't much compared to the other curses. However, a curse stacked on top of another curse requires an extreme amount of sacrifices. Curse of immortality was hard to create in itself, another curse laid upon her would require at least 1000 human souls.

"The gods have caused great suffering to me as well," She said, "Perhaps that's why I actually invited you on this journey, maybe I saw myself in you."

Xiao hugged Lumine, this surprised her a bit, but she let herself melt in his embrace.

"Xiao," She said, and he let go, Lumine sat there with a sad smile on her face, "Thank you for being by my side."

"It is my duty to- no, it is only right as friend." Xiao realized that Lumine was always there for him, her lovely smile touched his heart, now he had to be her comfort.

She slightly blushed, but hid her face right after and took out a map.

Lumine pointed at a certain area, "This is where the sword I'm finding is located."

Xiao widened his eyes, "This is..."

"The Chasm, where the cataclysm of a million monsters occurred."

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