Chapter 6 Feeling of being watched

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This is going to be a short chapter just so you know

Tommy POV: 

I was locking up the café and while I was doing that I was talking to a group of friends whose names are Luke or something (Luke),Wisp, Bitzel, and TimeDeo(Deo), we called ourselves the Businesses Bay, even though we are just a group of good friends.

Tommy: so bios what are you doing 

I said happily 

Deo: we are all playing Minecraft and recording

He said in a happy tone

Luke: Deo help us and stop talking to your boyfriend

Luke said in a annoyed tone

Wisp: yeah stop flirting and help us fight 

Wisp said 

Bitzel: Luke help me and yeah Deo stop talking to your boyfriend

Bitzel said in an annoyed tone but also making Tommy's and Deo's face turned red in embarrassment

Tommy: I-its not like t-that

I said embarrassed 

Deo: yeah what tommy said 

Deo also said embarrassed

Tommy: well I got to go, I need to finish closing up shop 

I said leaving in a the group chat after everyone said bye.


I just finished locking up the café and I felt a chill up my spine and I looked behind me and nothing was there so I continued walking and I still felt the feeling that someone was fallowing me and watching me from a far, but every time I look behind me and around and there was nothing there so I just picked up the pace and made sure that I stayed in the shadows of the shops. Once I felt the eyes leave my back I quickly ran into an alley way and take out my wings and flew away as fast as I could to my house, I did have a few stumbles in the progress of flying because it has been several years since I used them but I still flew pretty fast to my house and I showered and went to bed.

Thankyou for reading sorry it was so short but I will make the next chapter longer but it might be awhile because I still have school and other stuff out side of school but I will make sure to got the next chapter out. 361 words. 

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