Capter 9 Kidnapped

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Tommy POV:

I was licking up shop while talking to Siren and we were having a good conversation until I bumped into someone.

Tommy:Sorry I didn't mean to bump into you

I said looking at the ground embarrassed

???: I know what you did

They said staring at Tommy

Tommy: W-what do you ean

I said looking up at him, but who I saw in front of me was Dream and 404

Dream:I know that you have been healing villains

He said glaring at Tommy

Siren: Tommy is Dream there

He said sounding worried through the phone

404:Tommy you're coming with us

He said seriously

Tommy: What do you mean

I said before I was pushed up against the café that I just finished locking up

Siren:Tommy are you alr-

He was cut by Dream breaking Tommy's phone

Dream: now we don't want you contacting people

He said after breaking Tommy's phone

Tommy: H-how d-dare you

I said while while gritting my teeth

Dream: 404

He said looking at 404

404: On it

He said while using his powers to knock out Tommy

Tommy's mind: n-no I can't pass out now

I said trying not to pass out from 404's powers but eventually letting sleep overtake me.

Siren POV:

Tommy and I were talking while he was locking up the café, and when I hear him apologize for bumping into someone then I hear the names Dream and 404, my mind imminently to go get Blade and Zephyrus. Once I got them I asked tommy something to see if he could hear me.

Siren: Tommy Is Dream there

I asked worried

Zephyrus: we need to get to Tommy now

He said worried while getting his stuff to go save tommy

I heard more talking through the phone before I tried to ask him something else

Siren: Tommy are you alr-

I tried to say before the call got cut and I tried to get a hold of him but it kept going to voicemail. After we finished getting ready we headed to the café to find no Tommy, Dream, or 404, only a note..... The note said "If you want Tommy back then you have to come get him before something happens to him come here in 1 week no sooner or later at 21 hours (9 PM) at **************. Your fave hero Dream & 404.

I read the note and I gritted my teeth with tears dripping through my mask and landed on the floor and I just stood there with Zephyrus and Blade confronted me with a slight hug on my side while I cried.

Siren: Even though we are villains we still have a heart

I said in a whisper while crying on my knees.

—------------TIME SKIP—------------

Tommy POV:

I started to gain consciousness and I looked around and It was a little blurry so I focused on making my vision to see where I was and when I could focus I found myself tied to a chair in a warehouse. I tried to say something but I had a gag in my mouth and I couldn't talk and I tried to un-tie my hands but once I started to mess with the ropes I felt the edge of a dagger to my throat and I stopped moving immediately.

Dream: Well well well what are you doing

He said with a sinister grin

Tommy: I-Im not doing anything

I said nervously

Dream: Looks like you were trying to un-tie your ropes hmm

He said removing the dagger from Tommy's throat and pointed at his hands which were clenched shut

404: Has he woken up yet

He said walking into the room while looking like he just woke up

Dream: he is awake but he also tried to get out of the ropes we have him in

He said while walking over to 404

404: oh okay...... should we ask him some questions now

He asked talking to Dream away from Tommy

Dream: yeah we should we need to get their identities quickly because we only have a week

He said a little loud so Tommy herd some of their conversation

Tommy: A week for what

I asked myself not knowing what they meant and kinda grateful for my enhanced hearing, but while I was thinking what that meant, I failed to notice that they both had walked up to me.

Dream : Tommy we would like to ask you some questions

He said but Tommy wasn't paying attention at the time

Tommy: huh what did you say

I said confused not listening to what they were saying

Dream: I said we would like to ask you some questions

He said with anger behind his voice

Tommy: what do you want to know

I said with annoyance in my voice

Dream: tell us the identities of the Syndicate

He said sternly

Tommy:I don't know there identities, and if I did I wouldn't tell you

I said while smirking at Dream and 404

404: stop lying to us

He said looking at Tommy


I yelled at them

Dream: yeah the right, tell us their indentes

He said glaring at Tommy

I yelled in frustration

Dream: whatever we will come back, and you better have an answer for us

He said while walking away from Tommy with 404 behind him

Tommy: I need to find a way out of here

I said trying to think of a way out of here


???: So this is where they have been coming to lately, I need to find out what or who is in there.

He said annoyed and upset

Sorry this took so long I have been a little unmotivated but i'm getting back into writing, and again sorry this took so long to get out

984 words 

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