Chapter 11 Awake

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(TW) Swearing

Tommy's POV:

I felt dizzy and I opened my eyes and then eminently closed them because the light was too bright, I tried to sit up but I felt a hand push me back down on the bed and I heard a voice.

Zephyrus: lay down your injuries aren't fully healed yet

He said in a worried tone

Tommy: H-how long have i-i been out

I said quietly

Zephyrus: You were out for about a day and a half

He said looking at Tommy


He yelled loudly

Tommy: Shut up you bitch

I said while sitting up because he was being loud

The Blade: I see the gremlin is awake

He said while trying to hold a straight face


I yelled loudly but imminently regretted it because I got a headache and had to lay back down and groaned

Zephyrus: Tommy are you alright

He said worriedly

Tommy: I'm fine can you just leave me alone for a little while

I said because I felt a head ake beginning. Once they left the room I took out my wings because they started to hurt and I needed to clean and prune them. After I pruned them I decided to go back to sleep and see if I could get some sleep.

—------------TIME SKIP—------------

Tommy POV:

It had been a few hours since I fell asleep and I could feel someone petting my wings and Talking to someone else in the room, I turned my head and saw Siren sitting there talking to Zephyrus while petting my wings. I lay there for a while and just let him pet me because it felt good and I was still waking up from sleeping so I was tired. A few minutes later I decided to let them know that I was awake, so I flapped my wings in his face a little.

Zephyrus: AHH What fuck

He yelled startled

Tommy: Ahah you should have s-seen your face

I tried to stop laughing but couldn't and soon enough Siren joined in with me, after awile we stopped laphing and Zephyrus's face was pink with embarrassment. I sat up and saw The Blade in the room with us and we all laughed while The Blade smiled a little.

Tommy: Did I see Blade smile a little

I said smirking

The Blade: No I wasn't

He said looking away from us

Siren: Sure you weren't big guy

He said also smirking

The Blade: I'm sure that I wasn't

He said looking away

Tommy: *chuckles*

I chucked and they all looked at me and smiled a little even The Blade and it made me smile, we were like one big happy family, but with villains and a cafe owner.



It's been a year and a half since then and I have been continuing doing my healing services for the syndicate I have also been continuing my cafe and have made a profit off of both jobs. The Heros have tried to kidnap me a few times but the Syndicate always has some on watching me from the shadows to protect me. But I have been enjoying my time with the Syndicate and I hope I can stay here for a wile.

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed 557 words

October 9, 2022 

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