Chapter 8 Hiding being sick

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This is going to be a short chapter and I hope you enjoy

TW: Swearing

Tommy POV:

I woke up to my alarm clock so I turned it off and sat up but once I did I had a really bad headache and I got up hoping a drink of water would help but it didn't and I was really hot and I felt sick but I still needed to go to work to make money even though the Syndicate is going to pay me but not a lot because I told them to do it like that, but I still got up and got ready for the day, even though I feel like shit.

---------------TIME SKIP---------------

I arrived at the café and I still felt like shit but I wiped down the tables and get the shop ready to open, once I finished I opened up the café and waited for customers.

---------------TIME SKIP---------------

I finished serving another customer and I felt like passing out but I held through and another customer walked in.

Tommy: Welcome to Innit's café how may I help you

I said trying to be cheerful

Wilbur: Can I have a Macchiato

he said smiling

Tommy: of course, that will be out in a minute

I said trying to smile

I said trying to not sound sick. I went to make his drink and even though I didn't feel well I still needed to do work, as I am working on Wilbur's drink I started to feel dizzy and I fell over a little and then my vision started to bluer and I fell over and then I heard a voice and then I blacked out.

Wilbur POV:

I was walking to the café to check on Tommy because during our meeting he seemed out of it once I entered his café I heard his voice welcome me in.

Tommy: Welcome to Innit's café how may I help you

he said trying to look cheerful which worried me more

Wilbur: Can I have a Macchiato

I said smiling and making sure he didn't know I was worried

Tommy: of course, that will be out in a minute

he said forcing a smile. I waited for my drink to be ready and while I was waiting I heard a thud in the kitchen I ran back there to see Tommy on the floor and I called out his name then he fully passed out. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Phil to come over quickly as I told him the situation, quickly and we brought Tommy to our house for him to rest.

---------------TIME SKIP---------------

Tommy POV:

I started to wake up and I found myself somewhere I was not familiar with, I started to panic and I sat up in a hurry to see Siren, The Blade, and Zephyrus sitting around and I saw Nuke and Ender cuddling on a couch when I made my sudden my sit up I got the attention of the three in that were awake.


he shouted loudly

The Blade: Shut up Siren you're so loud

he said in his normal monotone voice

Zephyrus: Tommy take it slow you have a fever

he said worried

Tommy: N-no I'm not I'm fine

I said trying not to sound sick even though I know that I'm sick

Siren: Tommy you're sick you need to take medicine

he said kind of annoyed

Tommy: I'm fine

I said loudly causing Ender to wake up

Ender: *yawners* morning, oh morning Tommy feeling better

he said yawning

Zephyrus: No he's not okay he won't take the medicine

he said sounding annoyed

Tommy: because its fucking discussing

I said loudly again

Siren: Tommy take the medicine

he said using his ability on Tommy. I had no choice but to take the medicine but after I did I started to feel a little better after a few minutes.

Tommy: thanks I guess

I said quietly

Zephyrus: Mate you should take care of yourself more

He said with a small smile on his face

Tommy: I will

I said quietly before standing up and making my way to there kitchen

The Blade: do you want anything to eat

He said looking at me with a slight smile

Tommy: yeah I'm kind of hungary

I said looking down

The Blade: okay Ill make you something to eat

He said a with a smirk

Tommy: thanks

I said with a smile on my face

—------------TIME SKIP—------------

Tommy POV:

I was just dropped off at my house and said buy to The Blade and Zephyrus and I went into my house and I went to take a shower and pruned by feathers and I went to bed to see what the next day would bring.

3rd POV:

???1: Tommy took a long time to get home

He said looking at at his partner

???2:We should keep a better eye on him and make sure he isn't doing anything with bad

He said looking at ???1

???3: will you two shut up we need to get the information out of him

He said seriously

???1: jesses Dream you don't need to be so serous sometimes

He said annoyed

???2: I agree with Dream Sapnap we need information from him

He said looking at Tommy's home

Sapnap: I'm not going to be apart of this you can do it yourself

He said looking away angrily

Dream: alright we will do this ourselves

He said looking away from Sapnap

???2: If you don't want to be apart of this then leave

He said looking at Sapnap

Sapnap: Fine I will George

He said while leaping off of the edge of the building onto another one

Thank you for reading sorry this took so long to get out I was busy with school stuff 916 words

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