Good influences

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When did I change my perfume? I try to remember, but I can't. Whatever it was, I loved this soft, delicate scent, so I must have made the right choice when switching perfumes.

I stretch and rub my eyes. What? My God, today was the day of a super important fair for Lia and I have the impression that we're super late.

I look at the clock and see that it's almost noon. Oh no, Lia is going to be very upset with me. I jump to my feet and I'm about to reach the door when I realize I'm not in my room.

Shit. Where am I? Whose room is this? I look around, the purple accents are soft but tasteful. Wait, the only person I know who likes purple so much is... Jisoo.

I cover my mouth with my hands. Why am I in Jisoo's room and what am I doing here? Will we finally...?

No, Jennie, stop being crazy. I try to remember yesterday, but my head starts to ache and I sigh in annoyance. I decide to leave and beg for Lia's forgiveness.

The house is quiet as usual, as soon as I get to Lia's room, everything is organized and there's no sign of her.

I walk into my room and the bed is still messed up, but I don't remember coming in here. Finally, I look in the mirror and realize that I'm not wearing the clothes I left the house, in fact, I'm wearing fluffy pajamas that aren't mine.

I go downstairs and as soon as I get to the bottom of it, I see some papers on the couch and I pick them up.

What? Am I the full owner of the restaurant? What the hell is going on?

I walk towards the kitchen while quickly reading the papers, until I bump into someone.

"ROSIE!" I say smiling when I see the blonde mumbling in front of me. I hug her tightly. I don't even know why I'm hugging her.

"For God, Jen, you're small, but you make an impact." I feel her patting my shoulder lightly.

"Thank you, Rosie Posie." I move away and lift the papers to her "Do you know what that means? Or who was responsible for it?"

"Why?" she gives me a mysterious smile and takes the papers from my hand, pulling me to the kitchen and making me sit down. "Will you have coffee? I'm hungry."

"It's lunch time."

"We can have breakfast and lunch, don't worry." I can hear the smile in her voice and I shake my head in denial. Where does this woman keep so much food? "But as for those papers, Jichu made Sehun buy Dony's share to give you as a gift. She didn't want you to get angry again because, according to her, you didn't feel good with Dony around." Rosé laughs "I wish she knew your real reason for not liking Dony, right, Jenjen?" She raises an eyebrow challenging me and I feel my cheeks heat up.

Like a piece that fits together to complete the puzzle, when I hear the nickname I can remember flashes from the night before.

I was totally confused and not knowing what to do after Irene and Rosé left the event. My classmates decided to drink to celebrate and it was already 3 am.

I don't even remember what time I got home, but I do remember Kai brought me. Shit, I can't quite remember his conversation with Jisoo, but I vaguely remember Jisoo's annoyed expression after Kai said exactly that, Jenjen.

I feel a shiver when I realize that I hugged Jisoo and even ran my hands on her abs, for God, what the hell did I do?

I shake my head in denial, mentally berating myself because I practically harassed her, but then I remember the bathroom. Jisoo was putting me in the shower and I called her to take a shower with me.

OMG! It only gets worse. I don't want to remember any of this and what I did anymore. I lean my head back against the counter and let out a loud groan of frustration. All the blood in my body must be in my face, ears and neck.

How am I going to look at Jisoo now? The best option is to pretend I don't remember anything and try to be the best actress of all time. So, we avoid any awkward and embarrassing moments.

"So..." I clear my throat and pull the coffee mug closer to me "Where's Lia? I looked for her and didn't find my baby."

"Jisoo took her to that fair at her school. They left a few hours ago and Lia was excited." Rosé shrugs and I feel that she's watching me intently. I feel a strange warmth in my chest when I realize that Jisoo took my daughter to something important.

"And Jisoo didn't bother having to do that?" My stomach flutters with nervousness as I wait for Rosie's answer.

"Hmmm, let me remind..." she uses a thoughtful tone and I finally face her "She was quite comfortable. Jisoo and Lia get along very well together and I find this surprising, considering that Jisoo doesn't know how to take care of herself, but she has a great affection for Lia, this reflects in the care."

"I don't know what to say." I sigh and grab a croissant.

"You know, at first, when Sehun read the will and said you would have to live together, I thought it would all go wrong. Jisoo is a little closed off with new people, despite always being polite and kind, but living together has a big impact on a routine." she picks up a strawberry "But then, somehow, you ended up getting along so well and Jisoo got so much better, I dare say that she has evolved since you arrived, so I'm glad for that. I was worried that Jisoo would never come out of the pit of sadness she threw herself over Haein's death."

"Was she that bad?" it is suddenly difficult to swallow the piece of croissant you were chewing. It's so hard to imagine Jisoo, who looks like a bright, infectious sun, as sad as Rosie is saying.

"Yes, she didn't eat or be interested in anything, it was difficult to even take her to the will reading meeting." I pout when I hear her "But something changed that day, thanks to you and Lia."

"I was afraid to come here. Jisoo looked so untouchable, almost like a goddess." I sigh as I remember that day.

"What happened between you two yesterday? Today she was super restless." I choke on hearing Rosie's direct question.

"Nothing, I don't remember. I just remember that my friend Kai brought me home. My class ended up overdoing it with the celebration." I shrug and hope that Rosé believes me.

"Hmm, friend?" she laughs softly "Interesting. You have more influence under Jisoo than you realize."

"Okay, I think" I avoid showing my happiness at hearing this "Hey, I have a food trip to go. We're going to a farm to see the production process of some food and I can take someone, do you want to go with me?"

"How long will this trip be? One day?" just talk about food and Rosé pays 100% attention to what is being said.

"No, I think 3 or 4 days, I need to check."

"Okay" she smiles widely and in a suspicious way "Send me the details and we'll go." she winks.

enjoy :)

ACCIDENTAL - JENSOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now