chapter 23 // con

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My hands tightened into fists, my nails digging into my palms. My cock yearned for her touch, I wanted to soak in Haven's touch and scent, allowing her to take all my feelings away. I wanted her to break down the walls that remained inside me, I wanted her.

Haven was pure spitfire, I didn't think she had it within her, I didn't think that she could be one of us. As I saw the piles of blood and men littering the floor, it turned my thoughts. I wondered how much had she experienced in her childhood, had she experienced everything that I said she hadn't? If she did, I could have someone who understood what I went through and why I am the way I am.

Nobody without a story knows how to take down six oversized guards by themselves, especially a female. The way she could handle herself and her weapons had me rethinking all the thoughts I had about her.

I had gotten worried that we lost her after we got locked out, that she couldn't compete with what we faced ourselves. But, she outdid us, both me and Sin combined. She had proven herself worthy. It was a mistake. By the looks in everyone's eyes as I glanced across the room, nobody was letting her go now.

My fucking spitfire, run as far and as fast as you desire, I will hunt you down like a starving wolf searching for his prey.

She had gotten shot and continued to push through, it sent shivers through my spine. That was more than anybody could have asked for, determined strength. She was fighting with passion and desire, exactly what we had to create for ourselves.

For some, it comes natural. For others, it has to be taught. Whichever you fall under, it tells everyone a different side of you. If it comes natural, you are will fight to survive, you will succeed. If it has to be taught, you have not lived enough to discover what true desire feels like.

How can we teach someone to crave their own survival if they've never had to fight for it on their own? For the boys and I, we each had our own stories about us swimming up with weights attached to our feet. It was what taught us to compete against the cruel world.

Haven naturally had it and that told me more than I could have ever asked. It was delightful, a sight of pure light through the darkness.

I sat in the back on the way home, tending to her bleeding out wounds while she coddled to Tan. We all had been trained in the medical field to a certain extent besides Sin. Sin had full medical training that could have lead him to be an award winning doctor, if we weren't criminals.

There was a time where Sin had to fend and run everything by himself. With that and working for a mafia, you definitely don't get any easy passes for wounds. If you were shot and didn't have a doctor, you needed to know how to tend to it by yourself. It was basic protocol.

I continued digging the rag over the knot of fabric over her shoulder. As I dabbed, I could feel her slight shivers of pain creeping over her joints. I sucked in a breath within each dab, not wanting to apply a harsh amount of pressure.

The car was shaking from side to side due to the cracked road pieces. California never did a great job in upkeep of the roads, especially in more rural cities like this place. With every bump, I could head Sin growl deep in his throat. He knew that this was causing more of an issue than need be.

His hands stayed locked in a tight grasp around the steering wheel as his eyes bored into the horizon. I knew he was beating himself up for today even though Haven ended up okay. Sin had a complex about keeping everybody safe and putting everybody before himself.

He knew he fucked up when he fell into a state of giving up with a slight complication. His mind was mixed up all over the place and his thoughts were fogged. When you mix emotions with work, it was bound to get messy. He knew he couldn't think straight when he had specific feelings that lurched into his head. It was a mistake.

My stare unlocked from Sin which also let go of my thoughts connected to it.

"Umm..Frog, no, oh I know! An idiot!" Haven chuckled out at Tan.

They had started a game of charades as soon as we hit the car's seats. Haven had her back towards me, giving me full access to her shoulder, while her front faced Tan. She sat with her legs crossed over each other, taking up the middle seat of the car.

I carefully maintained her shoulder as Tan kept her distracted. Of course, my way would be to rub her clit and have her cum till she forgets her own name, but Tan was different. He decided that playing a child's game would keep her better entertained.

If we had just let her sit in silence, her mind would pay too much attention to the amount of blood loss she was having. Her brain and thoughts would send her into a sense of shock before it even is medically necessary yet.

I listened in on their game, hearing all the insensitive comments that they threw back and forth. Tan was winning and Haven was throwing an absolute fit, accusing him of cheating. I rolled my eyes back wanting to drown out their voices.

After a few more rounds, Haven had curled up against Tan on her side, falling asleep. I had to continue catering towards her shoulder which now meant leaning completely over her. My arm was stretched over her back, dabbing at the blood. I tried to get Tan to do it since he was sitting right next to her but he refused. Lazy piece of shit.

The even road hit our tires as we pulled up next to the garage door. Sin peeked his hand out of the window, scanning his fingerprint, while we waited. It was the common routine. Sin scanned, IT checked, we waited, and then we were let through.

It took about three minutes tops but while you have expensive cargo that is bleeding out, it felt like an eternity. Sin scrunched his nose between his fingertips as he waited for the common buzzing noise. We waited a few more seconds and just before Tan could let out a large sight, the noise filled our ears.

Sin gunned the gas as he circled into a parking spot, almost hitting one of our bikes. He was wasting no time, time that we didn't have. Haven had been laying down, dripping blood for more than an hour, it was record time. Most would have fallen into shock by now but the way her calm breaths puffed out of her nose showed us differently.

As the roar of the engine quieted down, we all unlocked our seatbelts before climbing out. My boots crunched up against the concrete ground as I hit the floor. Sin raced around the side of the car leaving a trail of kicked up dust in my face.

I pulled the house keys out of my back pocket, jiggling them in my hands while the others helped pull Haven into Sin. I watched as Sin distributed her weight amongst his arms, she looked lifeless with her limp body. We were losing her slowly.

I am stepping on snapped bones trying to get to you. I have been waiting for the sun to remove me from my shadow. You are the sun. Now don't let the moon stay forever. 

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