chapter 45 // con

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I didn't agree with Sin when he called out that I should be the one to do this with her. At first. Then, I understood why. She needed that person to push her to her limit and I was the only one who could do that. Sin broke her the first time but would be unable to do it the second time due to his own personal feelings.

I was able to shove those to the side, I could separate my feelings with a job. And that is exactly what was needing to happen now.

I dropped my clothes by the shower and stepped into the cool water. It pooled all over my skin as I watched the red liquid run down the drain. I let out a groan as I rolled my neck, replenishing my health. I wanted nothing more than Haven to grow back into her true self, the last few days have been awful.

I never thought I was capable of such strong feelings, I always hammered them deep down. I didn't understand why. Why would I not be capable of those feelings? I'm not a bad person. I just was thrown into some bad shit, that shouldn't define me.

I shook out the water droplets from my hair and finished cleaning off my body before stepping out. I grasped the towel around my waist and looked around the bathroom. The lingering presence of Haven still hung around the room. I just wanted to feel how I felt that day, full of love.

I tugged on a pair of black cargo pants and another white T-shirt before looping my belt around my waist. I tucked in one of my guns into the waistband, shoved the car keys into my pocket, and grasped my mask into one hand before making my way towards Haven's room.

Please give me another chance.

                                                                      HAVEN POV:                                                                                                       

The tears on my face were beginning to crust across my cheeks. I hadn't left the room in days, I barely had been sleeping, and my emotions wouldn't stop swirling in my mind. I was so broken, so defeated, so alone. I knew I was surrounded by people but I still felt so alone. I couldn't tap into my higher self no matter how much I tried. 

The ongoing scary texts that continued to come through the phone that Tan had secretly given me, the ongoing nightmares, I was living those scary days all over again. Nothing was leaving and nothing better was coming, I was better off in a ditch somewhere. 

I pulled the blanket up towards my face as the sunlight began pouring into the bedroom. I had forgotten to close the blinds but couldn't make my legs work enough to close them now. I wanted to make those who hurt me pay but I couldn't and thats what hurt me the most. 

I was hurt that the people I trusted gave up on me so easily, left me so easily. I was hurt that they showed me no emotion of caring when I left. I was facing an entire world of people that I couldn't even stand to see anymore. I knew I was free to leave, I was promised that in the beginning. But I couldn't, where would I go? At least here I knew that I was safe away from everyone. 

The faint knock at my door sent me to pull the blanket higher towards my face. The boys had left me alone besides dropping off food for me without a word. I didn't understand. Why weren't they trying to make me feel better? I mean, I wouldn't allow them, but why aren't they even trying? 

"Go away!" I shouted as the door opened. 

I felt a few footsteps start coming around the bed to where I laid. I knew it was Con by the heavy boots that came across the carpet. I groaned. If I had to choose one to see, it definitely wouldn't be him. I could really use Tan's jokes right now. 

"You're coming with me." he grunted.

"You know you could ask instead of just forcing me like a selfish asshole! Oh wait, that's all you are!" I yelled back as I sat up in the bed to face him.

I took in the scent of dark cologne as my eyes crept up his body. All the tattoos, the dark pants, and the white tank top. I wanted to pull him into a long hug and have his hands wrap around my body again. Scratch that, I do NOT want that. 

"Do you want me to drag you screaming or do you want to use your legs?" he questioned. 

I gasped and folded my arms across my chest. I still wore the black leggings and black crop top from a few days ago, I couldn't make myself change. 

"I'm not going anywhere and you can't make me!" I said in between my teeth and I slouched further into the bed. 

He sighed before launching his arms towards me. Before I could slap them away, he pulled my entire body over his shoulder. I hung over it screaming and kicking as he began dragging me away from the bedroom. I continued to punch his back while flailing my feet all around. I hated being carried against my own will, especially by him right now. 

"Put me down! I will go! Just put me down!" I screamed. 

With those words, he set me back down right before exiting out of the bedroom. I felt my feet hit the carpet and I glared back up at him. He gave me a smirk as I charged towards the dresser. I picked out a simple black tight skirt and a lace crop top with my leather jacket. I didn't know where we were going or what so I didn't put much thought into it. 

I went into the bathroom to change while also throwing on some deodorant and putting my hair into a ponytail. I glared back at myself, the bruises still formed all around my neckline and face. I couldn't recognize the defeated girl staring back at me, I hated it. The soft tears ran down my cheek before I shoved them away with my thumb. 

"Lead the way asshole." I muttered as I walked back in behind Con. 

We made our way out to the garage where Con unlocked a black dodge challenger. I hadn't been in this one before. I guess it was what Con chose when he didn't feel like riding the motorcycle. I stepped into the passenger seat, turned my body towards the window, and crossed my arms.

The car ride felt around the same as I went with Sin. When I noticed the same rocky driveway, my heart fell into my stomach. They really were going to kill me now, no wonder Con had been such a dick the past few days. The panic started to set into my skin making my hair stand up. I began shivering out of fear as my head darted around the car.

"It's not what you think, spitfire. Take a deep breath, you'll need it." Con said lowly. 

I could tell he was nervous too which was different. Con was never nervous, he always had his emotions under control. What the fuck was happening?

He shoved the car into park as he pulled up outside of the building and I gulped. He rounded the car and opened the door for me. I slowly stepped out, letting my boots dig into the floor beneath me. I rubbed my own arms for comfort as Con started to walk slowly into the warehouse. 

I suddenly heard a large scream that left me to pause in my place. Con stopped as well but didn't turn back to face me. The screams continued but got quieter each time. They were blood curdling screams of help like they had been left here overnight. 

"Come." Con demanded as he began walking into the small room to the right. 

I glanced around the warehouse with the dark dripping walls, the small rooms clustered around the outside, and the large ceiling. I felt like an ant, so small in such a large place. I followed behind Con and once we entered the room, my heart dropped. 

No, it can't be.

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